I just learned of this tag and thought it would be fun to share!
my only tattoo is on my bicep, the symbol of the selkies from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, one of my favorite games of all time :ffmoogle: 🔮 ✨
#TattooTuesday #tattoo #FFCC #FinalFantasyCrystalChronicles #FF #FinalFantasy #ink #selkie
#tattootuesday #tattoo #ffcc #finalfantasycrystalchronicles #ff #finalfantasy #ink #selkie
Facundo Sava fan club in town?
Facundo Sava fan club in town?
someone wanted to see the crystal chronicles moogle. they are very fluffy #FFCC #NintendoSwitch
Sometimes the menus work fine, other times THIS happens. Did anyone test this shit? #FFCC #NintendoSwitch
anyone who wants to friend/follow me because of #FFCC #finalfantasycrystalchronicles is welcome to because I'm gonna be talking about this for a LONG ASS TIME
#ffcc #finalfantasycrystalchronicles
#ファイナルファンタジー・クリスタルクロニクル #エコーズ・オブ・タイム #FFCC #FFCCEoT #シェルロッタ https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=63307972
#ffcceot #シェルロッタ #ファイナルファンタジー #エコーズ #ffcc