RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release ENCORE!🎧
SPACE KING - Anticosmic Stoner Metal🇷🇺🔥
3rd album from St.Petersburg, Russian Progressive/Stoner/Doom Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://spaceking666.bandcamp.com/album/anticosmic-stoner-metal 🔥
#SpaceKing @addictedlabel@twitter.com #AnticosmicStonerMetal #Stoner #FFFDec9 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1601360598721515520
#spaceking #anticosmicstonermetal #stoner #fffdec9 #KMaN
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #27🎧
TITANS WRATH - Will Of The Beast EP🇺🇸🔥
5 Track EP from San Bernadino, Cali, U.S Heavy/Power Metal outfit🔥
WHIPPED➡️https://songwhip.com/titanswrath/will-of-the-beast 🔥
#TitansWrathMetal #WilloftheBeast #HeavyPowerMetal #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #HeavyPowerMetal #willofthebeast #titanswrathmetal
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release ENCORE!🎧
4 Track EP from Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S Death Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://severeheadwound.bandcamp.com/album/torn-apart-e-p 🔥NYP!!
@SeVeReHEADWouND@twitter.com #TornApart #DeathMetal #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #deathmetal #tornapart
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release ENCORE!🎧
BOW - City Race🇳🇱🔥
Debut album from Tilburg, Dutch Heavy/Groove/Thrash Metal outfit🔥FFO: Annihilator!
#KMaN #fffdec9 #heavygroovethrashmetal #cityrace #bow
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release ENCORE!🎧
SPACE KING - Anticosmic Stoner Metal🇷🇺🔥
3rd album from St.Petersburg, Russian Progressive/Stoner/Doom Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://spaceking666.bandcamp.com/album/anticosmic-stoner-metal 🔥
#SpaceKing @addictedlabel@twitter.com #AnticosmicStonerMetal #Stoner #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #stoner #anticosmicstonermetal #spaceking
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:⚔️December 9th, 2022🔥⚔️
"The strategy has been planned, Passed down from the high command, Calm befalls the frontline, Prepared to fight ready to die"🔥
📢51 for the Walls of Deth!➡️Onwards...Have Riffs, Have Metal!
#FFFDec9 Comment and RT.🤘👹🤘#KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1601142884421750784
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:⚔️December 9th, 2022🔥⚔️
"The strategy has been planned, Passed down from the high command, Calm befalls the frontline, Prepared to fight ready to die"🔥
📢51 for the Walls of Deth!➡️Onwards...Have Riffs, Have Metal!
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #51🎧
TITANOSAUR - No One Home🇺🇸🔥
5th album from Husdon, NY, U.S Hard Rock/Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://titanosaur1.bandcamp.com/album/no-one-home 🔥
@titanosaurrocks@twitter.com #NoOneHome #HardRockMetal #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #HardRockMetal #NoOneHome
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #50🎧
HPGD - 2022 Full Year In Review🇺🇸🔥
23 Track compilation album from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S Death/Grind label🔥
@hpgd666@twitter.com #2022FullYearinReview #DeathMetal #Grindcore #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #grindcore #deathmetal #2022fullyearinreview
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #49🎧
KRILLOAN - Emperor Rising🇸🇪🔥
Debut album from Älmhult, Kronoberg, Swedish Heavy/Power Metal outfit🔥
@ScarletRecords@twitter.com #EmperorRising #HeavyPowerMetal #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #HeavyPowerMetal #emperorrising
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #48🎧
READY FOR DEATH - Ready For Death🇺🇸🔥
Debut album from Chicago, Illinois, U.S Thrash Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://readyfordeath.bandcamp.com/album/ready-for-death 🔥
#ReadyForDeath @TranslationLoss@twitter.com #ThrashMetal #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #thrashmetal #readyfordeath
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #47🎧
HYPERWULFF - Volume Three: Burrowing Kingdoms🔥
3rd album from Bologna, Italian Stoner/Sludge Metal outfit🔥
#Hyperwulff #Vol3BurrowingKingdoms #StonerSludgeMetal #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #StonerSludgeMetal #vol3burrowingkingdoms #hyperwulff
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #46🎧
Re-recorded 2nd album from Austrian Post-Black Metal outfit🔥
#HFTSOfficial #Aokigahara @AOPRecords@twitter.com #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #Aokigahara #hftsofficial
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #45🎧
HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY - Harakiri For The Sky MMXXII 🇦🇹🔥
Re-recorded debut album from Austrian Post-Black Metal outfit🔥
#HFTSOfficial #HarakiriForTheSky @AOPRecords@twitter.com #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #harakiriforthesky #hftsofficial
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #44🎧
CREMATION - Where The Blood Flows Down The Mountain🇨🇭🔥
5th album from Glis, Valais, Swiss Death Metal outfit🔥
WHIPPED➡️https://cremation.bandcamp.com/album/where-the-blood-flows-down-the-mountains 🔥
#KMaN #fffdec9 #deathmetal #wherethebloodflows #cremation
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #43🎧
COBRA CULT - Don't Kill The Dark🇸🇪🔥
3rd album from Stockholm, Swedish Hard Rock outfit🔥
#CobraCultBand #DontKillTheDark #HardRock #GMRMusic #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #gmrmusic #hardrock #dontkillthedark #cobracultband
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #42🎧
CHAINED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN - I Tried Catching You....🇺🇸🔥
3 Track EP from Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S Sludge/Doom Metal outfit🔥
#KMaN #fffdec9 #sludgedoom #itried #chainedttboto
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #41🎧
CEPHALOCULT - Void Chasm🇺🇸🔥
Debut album from Washington D.C, U.S Death/Doom Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://cultofoblivion.bandcamp.com/album/void-chasm 🔥
@cultofoblivion_@twitter.com #Cephalocult #VoidChasm #DeathDoomMetal #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #deathdoommetal #voidchasm #cephalocult
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #40🎧
Debut album from German Stoner/Doom Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://bunsenburner.bandcamp.com/album/poise 🔥
#_Bunsenburner_ #Poise #StonerDoomMetal #Bunsenburner #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #bunsenburner #stonerdoommetal #poise #_bunsenburner_
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕December 9th Release #39🎧
AFTER LASPE - Face The Storm🇪🇸🔥
Debut album from Spanish Progressive Metal outfit🔥
WHIPPED➡️https://songwhip.com/afterlapse/facethestorm 🔥
@FrontiersMusic1@twitter.com #AfterLapse #FaceTheStorm #ProgressiveMetal #FFFDec9 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffdec9 #progressivemetal #facethestorm #afterlapse