Jamie Ray invited me on to his podcast, Fave Five From Fans, to discuss our five favorite Rom cameos. Give a listen and see how obscure I can get! Or count how many tangents I go off on! https://pod.link/1494494903/episode/e7047ce68356cc5876016f2f3faab968 #Rom #RomSpaceknight #FFFF #Podcast #Comics #ComicBooks
#comicbooks #comics #podcast #ffff #RomSpaceknight #rom
2022 christmas gift for a friend, it's a fanart poster for a comic we worked on together, alongside several of our friends. Please read our passion project at https://farflungfox.thecomicseries.com/comics/1#content-start !
#comics #comic #webcomic #ffff #FarFlungFox #FarFlungFoxFables #digitalart #illustration #art #anthro #fox #vector #lineless
#comics #comic #webcomic #ffff #farflungfox #farflungfoxfables #digitalart #illustration #art #anthro #fox #vector #lineless
@Clubby73 Not necessary relative addressing. Slots use the same addr space (typical Z80, #0000 to #FFFF, but you choose what 16KB segments to use, typically #4000-#BFFF, RAM is usually mapped at #C000 when using a cartridge).
You can also compile in DOS mode, (a .COM binary starting at #0100 and the whole address space mapped to RAM).
But as I said before, this part can be a bit confusing so better focus yourself on finishing the core compiler for Z80 and revisit this topic in the future ;-)
have you ever noticed that every country that #ffff America invades, becomes a citizen demographic that they later resent? #random #whitesupremacy
Font Foundries to Follow on Friday (or #FFFF for short)
Font Spectrum :tp_e: @fontspectrum
TypeThis!Studio :tp_e: @TypeThis
@neauoire @alderwick SO.
I tried using this other approach; writing the whole sequence to mem, and THEN playing it
problem is, if I try to set the sample length as #ffff (it's %BBTLEN), it doesn't play anything. but for example with #ffe0 works properly (just not creating/playing the entire melody) Not sure why.