@kelpana I've witnessed similar outside the library in March. They were literally shouting pedo at us and a Garda turned and told an anti-fascist protester to watch her language.
I've come around to the theory that #FFFG are going to do nothing until they can pin violence to leftist groups, and when they find that incident, they're going to broadcast it every three minutes on #RTE until they've scared away all the middle class mammies from voting left of centre.
The government was told not to lift the eviction ban, they decided to ignore peoples needs over profit. The fact that 1 in 4 TDs are landlords tells you all you need to know about who the political class represents. As a wealthy nation there is no excuse for the failures we see in #Ireland other than the ineptitude of government representatives. #homelesness #FFFG
Ireland's Rent Crisis: Teachers renting a shed in someone's garden.