RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FIRE IN THE HOLE - Album of the Week!💣🔥
IMPERIUM DEKADENZ - Into Sorrow Evermore🇩🇪🔥
Adroit blend of Black Metal and atmospheric tones. Production is first-rate; Ideal balance of instruments and vocals - captures a mood of raw power and emotion.🔥#FFFJan20 #FITH #AOTW #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1617429351829753857
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
ELECTRIKEEL - Straight Outta Depths🇪🇸🔥
Debut album from Pamplona, Spanish Thrash Metal/Crossover outfit🔥
BC➡️https://electrikeel.bandcamp.com/album/straight-outta-depths-2 🔥*NYP!!
#Electrikeel #StraightOuttaDepths #ThrashMetalCrossover #FFFJan20 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffjan20 #thrashmetalcrossover #straightouttadepths #electrikeel
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
ELECTRIKEEL - Straight Outta Depths🇪🇸🔥
Debut album from Pamplona, Spanish Thrash Metal/Crossover outfit🔥
BC➡️https://electrikeel.bandcamp.com/album/straight-outta-depths-2 🔥*NYP!!
#Electrikeel #StraightOuttaDepths #ThrashMetalCrossover #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616590066557812736
#KMaN #fffjan20 #thrashmetalcrossover #straightouttadepths #electrikeel
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
NECROPROPHECY - Slaughter on Slight EP🇺🇸🔥
4 Track EP from Cleveland, Ohio, U.S Blackened Thrash Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://necroprophecymetal.bandcamp.com/album/slaughter-on-sight 🔥
#NecroprophecyOfficial #SlaughteronSight #BlackenedThrashMetal #FFFJan20 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffjan20 #BlackenedThrashMetal #slaughteronsight #necroprophecyofficial
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
NECROPROPHECY - Slaughter on Slight EP🇺🇸🔥
4 Track EP from Cleveland, Ohio, U.S Blackened Thrash Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://necroprophecymetal.bandcamp.com/album/slaughter-on-sight 🔥
#NecroprophecyOfficial #SlaughteronSight #BlackenedThrashMetal #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616588619703291906
#KMaN #fffjan20 #BlackenedThrashMetal #slaughteronsight #necroprophecyofficial
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
TIDAL BORE - Exit Earth EP🇺🇸🔥
4 Track EP from Brooklyn, New York, U.S Dark/Sludge Metal outfit🔥
#KMaN #fffjan20 #darksludgemetal #exitearth #tidalbore
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
TIDAL BORE - Exit Earth EP🇺🇸🔥
4 Track EP from Brooklyn, New York, U.S Dark/Sludge Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://tidalbore.bandcamp.com/album/exit-earth 🔥
#TidalBore #ExitEarth #DarkSludgeMetal #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616586637152235520
#KMaN #fffjan20 #darksludgemetal #exitearth #tidalbore
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
FOR I AM KING - Crown🇳🇱🔥
3rd album from Amsterdam, Dutch Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore outfit🔥
WHIPPED➡️https://songwhip.com/foriamking/crown 🔥
@ForIAmKingBand@twitter.com #Crown #MelodicDeathMetal #Metalcore #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616549550348701698
#KMaN #fffjan20 #metalcore #melodicdeathmetal #crown
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
FOR I AM KING - Crown🇳🇱🔥
3rd album from Amsterdam, Dutch Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore outfit🔥
WHIPPED➡️https://songwhip.com/foriamking/crown 🔥
@ForIAmKingBand@twitter.com #Crown #MelodicDeathMetal #Metalcore #FFFJan20 #KMäN
#KMaN #fffjan20 #metalcore #melodicdeathmetal #crown
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
HEAVEN'S GATE - Heaven's Gate EP🇺🇸🔥
5 Track EP from Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S Hardcore/Crossover Punk outfit🔥
BC➡️https://heavensgatefl.bandcamp.com/album/heavens-gate-2 🔥
#HeavensGate #HardcoreCrossoverPunk #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616538560345280515
#KMaN #fffjan20 #hardcorecrossoverpunk #heavensgate
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release ENCORE!🎧
HEAVEN'S GATE - Heaven's Gate EP🇺🇸🔥
5 Track EP from Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S Hardcore/Crossover Punk outfit🔥
BC➡️https://heavensgatefl.bandcamp.com/album/heavens-gate-2 🔥
#KMaN #fffjan20 #hardcorecrossoverpunk #heavensgate
Another splendid @KManriffs@twitter.com dump 🌋
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:⚔️January 20th, 2023🔥⚔️
"Piercing through flesh, tearing the wounds open more, Cutting them down..Consequences are for those who do not reign supreme"🔥
📢44 for the Walls of Deth!➡️Covering fire…Have Riffs, Have Metal!
#FFFJan20 Comment and RT.🤘👹🤘#KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616359802711740417
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:⚔️January 20th, 2023🔥⚔️
"Piercing through flesh, tearing the wounds open more, Cutting them down..Consequences are for those who do not reign supreme"🔥
📢44 for the Walls of Deth!➡️Covering fire…Have Riffs, Have Metal!
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release #44🎧
SURUJUHLA - Musta Maa🇫🇮🔥
Debut album from Ylivieska, Finnish Depressive Death Metal outfit🔥
WHIPPED➡️https://songwhip.com/surujuhla/musta-maa 🔥
#Surujuhlaband #MustaMaa #DepressiveDeathMetal #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616275447377018882
#KMaN #fffjan20 #depressivedeathmetal #mustamaa #surujuhlaband
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release #42🎧
CTHULHU DREAMT - Precursor EP🇺🇸🔥
14 Track EP from U.S Progressive/Sci-Fi/Death Metal🔥
BC➡️https://cthulhudreamt.bandcamp.com/album/precursor 🔥
#CthulhuDreamt #Precursor #ProgressiveSciFiDeathMetal #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616273434081632256
#KMaN #fffjan20 #progressivescifideathmetal #precursor #cthulhudreamt
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release #41🎧
MORGON - La Légende De Philis🇫🇷🔥
Debut album from Gap, French Post-Black Metal project🔥
BC➡️https://morgonblackmetal.bandcamp.com/album/la-l-gende-de-philis 🔥
#Morgon #LaLegendDePhilis #PostBlackMetal #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616272301653213185
#KMaN #fffjan20 #postblackmetal #lalegenddephilis #Morgon
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release #38🎧
ZUSTAND NULL - Beyond The Limit of Insanity🇳🇴🔥
Debut album from Olso, Norwegian Black Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://dusktone.bandcamp.com/album/beyond-the-limit-of-sanity 🔥
#ZustandNull #BeyondTheLimit @Dusktone@twitter.com #BlackMetal #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616268275171659776
#KMaN #fffjan20 #blackmetal #beyondthelimit #zustandnull
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release #37🎧
PYRAMID MASS - Monolith🇺🇸🔥
Debut album from Richmond, Virginia U.S Avant-Garde Blackened Thrash Metal outfit🔥
BC➡️https://pyramidmass.bandcamp.com/album/monolith 🔥
#PyramidMass #Monolith #AvantgardeBlackenedThrashMetal #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616266261750489089
#KMaN #fffjan20 #avantgardeblackenedthrashmetal #monolith #pyramidmass
RT @KManriffs@twitter.com
FULL FORCE FRIDAY:🆕January 20th Release #35🎧
NATT - Natt🇳🇴🔥
Debut album from Bergen, Norwegian Instrumental Progressive/Post Rock/Metal 🔥
BC➡️https://edgedcircleproductions.bandcamp.com/album/natt 🔥
#Natt #EdgedCircleProductions #InstrProgressivePostRockMetal #FFFJan20 #KMäN
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KManriffs/status/1616262235403190273
#KMaN #fffjan20 #instrprogressivepostrockmetal #edgedcircleproductions #natt