#okmq #workshop
GUI geht auch in Tcl/Tk schlicht und schick.
#Tcl #ImageMagick #Ffmpeg
#okmq #workshop #tcl #imagemagick #ffmpeg
#FFmpeg has released patch notes showing a performance boost of approximately 20% on Win64 and 14% on Win32 for the Apple ProRes codec. No improvement was reported for macOS, Linux, and BSD.
Double-checking still in progress. So far, fixed an issues on 13.2/aarch64, another one on 14-CURRENT/amd64 (yep, didn't upgrade my #FreeBSD test builders to 15-CURRENT yet 🙈) and yet another one on 14-CURRENT/i386.
Now, test builds for 13.2/i386 are running. We will see. Once I'm sure the #Linuxulator version of #ffmpeg builds fine everywhere, I'll finally check #MakeMKV 😎
#freebsd #linuxulator #ffmpeg #makemkv
Some recent package updates: chromium (-ungoogled), ffmpeg, handbrake, pipewire-jack
Chromium, regular and un-googled.
Google is speeding up its Chromium release cycle. Let's see if I can keep up since I also build the -ungoogled variant. The latest update is 116.0.5845.140 and addresses a vuln
#Software #av1 #chrome #chromium #ffmpeg #google #jack #pipewire #ungoogled
#software #av1 #chrome #chromium #ffmpeg #google #jack #pipewire #ungoogled
And now, the *real* dependency monster in my #FreeBSD #Linuxulator userland: #ffmpeg 🙈
That's #Linux port #151 I added, it has *almost* everything enabled that's in the default options of the FreeBSD port. I left out a few things that seemed (too) complex like vulkan ... 🙈
I guess now it's time to double-check the branch on other architectures and other FreeBSD versions first. And then, finally, check whether #MakeMKV will work fine with this!
#freebsd #linuxulator #ffmpeg #linux #makemkv
Proxy editing is the ability to substitute low resolution versions of each video in the project that represent the original high definition videos for the purpose of making the video editing process more fast and efficient.
@meka Well, if you can build them, you can (probably) port them to work natively on #FreeBSD. This is "just" about building the userland for #Linuxulator to support closed-source (or, otherwise "unportable") #Linux apps.
I'm still unsure whether it's a good idea. I was thinking about using #MakeMKV as a PoC, which requires #ffmpeg. Only half way (or less) through with the dependencies for a somewhat "full-featured" ffmpeg and I'm already at 135 commits to my branch 🤯 I certainly won't be able to maintain all the ports needed for this userland all by myself 😉
#freebsd #linuxulator #linux #makemkv #ffmpeg
It's 11 at night and I'm compiling ffmpeg via source because there's a subtle difference in the silence removal tool somewhere between v4 – which is used in production – and v6 – which is on my Mac.
It’s taken me about 90 minutes just to come to that realisation.
At least I HOPE that's the realisation. Otherwise, something absolutely wild is happening in Docker.
#ffmpeg #docker #intractabledeveloperproblems
Erste Programmskizze für Daumenkino-Druck aus Video in PDF für die Kids beim nächsten Trickfilm-Workshop.
Läuft, wird noch schicker hoffentlich. :)
#tcltk #ffmpeg #imagemagick
Erste Programmskizze für eine Daumenkino-Montage aus Video in PDF. Muss bis zum nächsten Workshop auf Linuxrechnern für die Teamer:innen grafisch ausführbar sein.
#tcltk #ffmpeg #imagemagick
Kdenlive 23.08.0 adds a new AV1 NVENC profile.
NVENC is a feature in Nvidia graphics cards that perform video encoding, offloading this compute-intensive task from the CPU to a dedicated part of the GPU.
#nvidia #nvenc #kdenlive #ffmpeg #av1
素敵!って思ったけど素直にGUIを #ffmpeg が実装してくれればこんな思いをせずに済むのでは、とも思いました! / “FFmpeg Explorer!” https://htn.to/3n7GNbEUnn
OOOhhhh.... une interface graphique qui vous permet de "construire" visuellement des transformations audio et vidéo et qui vous donne la ligne de commande ffmpeg résultante.
Explore FFmpeg From the Comfort of your Browser - If you’re looking to manipulate video, FFmpeg is one of the most powerful tools ou... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/27/explore-ffmpeg-from-the-comfort-of-your-browser/ #softwarehacks #compression #encoding #webbased #ffmpeg #codec #video
#video #codec #ffmpeg #webbased #encoding #compression #softwarehacks