Are you fucking kidding me right now!?
There’s now a #geriatric edition of the bachelor called the Golden Bachelor. Why?! And why is there a commercial during #MNF for it?
#geriatric #mnf #ffs #goldenbachelor
What a world to live in. 15k just for lenses so that can I can see. #ffs medical aid only covers 7k.
#GoodMorning, #MisterDen and #HappyHappy #HappyBaconBagelDay...!
Also... #FFS...! That #GhastlyDarrenGrimes...
#TheOnlyGayInTheVillage at the #GiantBigotNetwork...
#LookLook... #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool...!
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🎈🐘🦹🦄🦹🐘🎈
#goodmorning #misterden #happyhappy #happybaconbagelday #ffs #ghastlydarrengrimes #theonlygayinthevillage #giantbigotnetwork #looklook #quotetoots #stillquitecool
Freifunk-Camp in Beuren #ffs #freifunk #freifunkcampbeuren @ffs
#ffs #freifunk #freifunkcampbeuren
Flight Safety accompagne la montée en puissance de la flotte de PC-24 en installant un nouveau simulateur au Bourget #pilatus #pc24 #flightsafety #flightsimulator #ffs #simulateur #bizjet @FlightSafetyInt @PilatusAircraft
#pilatus #pc24 #flightsafety #flightsimulator #ffs #simulateur #bizjet
Ben Shephard accuses Conservative MP Michelle Donelan of ‘trying to score political points’ as Daniel Khalife manhunt continues - The Independent #ffs
New rule.
If a gym can't issue a refund without me having to
"call corporate" then it shouldn't be allowed to be a gym.
Guess we're just on fire right now. Critical authentication bypass in SSH VMware Aria Operations.
Quick estimations, roughly 4500 publicly available SSH-hosts running VMware Aria.
Will the next cl0p campaign please stand up?
#vmware #0day #ssh #vulnerability #ffs
#NotNews24 | #UnbreaklingNearlyButNotQuiteSuppertimeNotNews... #NotNearly24... #FrequentlyFewer
#FFS...! #TheBFF has #Confirmed that #Tonight we're #Eating...! #FishFishSammidges...! #WhooHooHoo...!
They're like #ScoobieSnacks and #AlmostEntirelySuitableForVegetarians... Except maybe for #TheFish....
#IT's #OK; we've had them #BeforeNow... They're #Amazeballs...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🎣🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🎣
#notnews24 #unbreaklingnearlybutnotquitesuppertimenotnews #notnearly24 #frequentlyfewer #ffs #thebff #confirmed #tonight #eating #fishfishsammidges #whoohoohoo #scoobiesnacks #almostentirelysuitableforvegetarians #thefish #it #ok #beforenow #amazeballs
@baeuchle Es gibt im Normalfahrplan eine Spätverbindung von Hamburg zu mir, wo die 7 Minuten in Mannheim auf die S-Bahn eigentlich immer platzen. Im Brückenfahrplan kann ich in #FFU oder #FFS in einen ICE aus Berlin umsteigen, der die Main-Neckar-Bahn ohne Halt passiert und ohne Mannheim-Schlenker direkt nach Heidelberg fährt. Da klappt der Anschluß auf die sonst in Mannheim aktuell sicher verpasste S-Bahn bequem zuverlässig.
I had #ffs on Tuesday and things are going great so far. I had really psyched myself out to an almost paralyzing level, but it turns out that while recovery sucks, it passes really quickly. I've got a lot of bruising on my neck due to the jaw work which will hopefully fade over the next week, and I have to wear the full head wrap until Tuesday when the stitches and staples come out at the recheck. I can't wait to see the results!! #trans #surgery
Genius. Why shouldn't we invade another country's airspace to deflect attention from how shit we are at everything ever?
Express: "Tory MP calls for immediate return of Channel migrants to France in Chinook helicopters"
#UKPolitics #RefugeesWelcome #FFS
#ukpolitics #refugeeswelcome #ffs