Poster of Taoiseach Leo #Varadkar burned on #loyalist bonfire in Tyrone
<< For his (with #RTE / #FG) attempts to embrace loyalist views?
No, #NI #bonfire builders don't give a damn about misguided #Irish middle-class delusions, or short-sighted trolling of SF. His image is simply being burnt as he represents Ireland.
Such hateful festivals will never moderate or compromise. They are the smouldering reminders of a long burnt-out imperialist worldview.
#varadkar #loyalist #rte #fg #ni #bonfire #irish
Listening to #RTE #primetime (+1), I am stuck by just how similar Irish gov. ministers are to US tech company executives in their views.
They both try to grow US tech company profits regardless of anything else, including EU/Irish law: data protection, tax, employment, ...
#SinnFein are going to walk the next election in #Ireland - increasingly, I can not imagine how they could do any worse than #FF #FG.
#rte #primetime #sinnfein #ireland #ff #fg
@JohnLoader6 @harriettmb @OrangeMenace
Especially in Ireland to #FF & #FG. Thanks to the #DUP, in the North, they are being seen as the reasonable ones.
As usual, looking in on this from the outside it is hard to understand how Ireland has changed.
There is very little violence on this island compared to the past. We are welcoming tourists from all over the world. You should join them. You may get a pleasant surprise
It is weird how the gov. celebrates #FDI in #Ireland.
Yes, outside entities seeing Irish potential is great. However, our reliance on FDI reveals #FF / #FG 's inherent lack of ambition and their long-term failure to invest in lrish development.
We should not support any Irish leader striving to make Ireland dependent on outside funding (often from places/people that do not share our values and who will immediately export the lions share of success).
A total revaluation is needed.
plat. gf met feralGirl
I needed them to realize each other as people rather than an abstraction or phantom. I wanted to prevent them from getting intimidated by assumptions and unknowns. Meeting in feralGirl's apartment, plat gf was anxious. plat. gf was overwhelmed at the depth of my relationship with fg. They like each other and want to collaborate, but I wish fg could've heard plat. gf's beautiful healing laugh at least once
It's relationship growing pains
#pgf #fg
@harriettmb I think it is time that both governments prepare for what we know is coming down the tracks. There can't be a repeat of Brexit & it's pie in the sky thinking which led many to vote for something that wasn't real.
I find it hypocritical of #FF & #FG not to want to share power with #SinnFein in the South but shout for it to happen in the North. However after the next Irish election, I doubt they will have to worry about that. If #sinnfein win I would expect
#EvictionBan to end, #Homelessness to rise...
Photo taken by moi on #GrandCanal #Dublin6
#FF #FG #Greens…
#evictionban #homelessness #GrandCanal #dublin6 #ff #fg #greens
De AP heeft grote zorgen over de naleving van de AVG binnen de gemeente Eindhoven. Zowel over de gehanteerde bewaartermijnen, afwezigheid van DPIA's als te late gemelde datalekken. Ook de positionering van de #FG en andere #governance vraagstukken komen aan bod. Je leest duidelijk tussen de regels door dat de AP de rol van de FG op de agenda heeft staan. Leest u vooral de brief 👇
Early Valentine's because the #EHPS and #DGPs #FG Gesundheitspsychologie ♥️ you: Deadline for regular submissions for #EHPS2023 extended to 28 Feb 2023. Submit now or later (but don't be too late):
@riverrat not the smoothest move but HERE WE GO!!! #RobbieGould is a rockstar. ONE SECOND to get the #FG 💜
Planted on my couch and ready to watch some #FOOTBALL 🏈
Gonna need to scroll through all of @emarktaylor toots to see how we got to #Halftime
Promised @Gknee that I'd pull for #JAX in this one! I'm here just in time to see them get that #FG making it a one score game!!!! See if we can continue the #CinderellaStory 💜
#football #halftime #jax #fg #cinderellastory #jaxvskc #divisionalround #playoffs #nfl #chiefs #jaguars
Inaquate or unsuitable housing due to private sector greed, crowded health services, failing water/sewage infrastructure due to decades of under investment, pollution from agriculture, overgrazing from sheep, over reliance on cars, ... all have v. simple solutions.
Rather than actually using the solutions, Fine Gael (and Fianna Fáil) will do absolutely anything including their favourite: "exploring" other possibilities (likely on a glacial speed committee).
If the rest of #FG follow Leo's lead and absolutely rule out going into government with #SF they may have finally managed to achieve the first significant policy difference between themselves and #FF in a decade... Unless of course #FF rule it out too #IrishPolitics
Rayna Stamboliyska·note que, si on veut vraiment de la souveraineté numérique, il va falloir payer (services pas gratuits, produits fabriqués localement).
"Don't You Know!?" PART 2
That The Bird is The Word!!
Yeah, I'm having one of THOSE weeks, when I don't feel like drawing AT ALL. Plus I'm kinda busy with other stuff,
Anyway here's an Unnamed Woman in Family Guy from The Episode "I Dream of Jesus" when Peter rediscovers The Trashmen song "Surfin' Bird"
#FamilyGuy #FG #Woman #Adult #YoungAdult #Unnamed #Toilet #caught #Embarrassed #peeing #urinating #scat #pooping #LadyOnTheToilet
#embarrassed #peeing #urinating #scat #pooping #LadyOnTheToilet #woman #familyguy #adult #youngadult #UnNamed #fg #toilet #caught
"Don't You Know!?"
That The Bird is The Word!!
Yeah, I'm having one of THOSE weeks, when I don't feel like drawing AT ALL. Plus I'm kinda busy with other stuff,
Anyway here's an Unnamed Woman in Family Guy from The Episode "I Dream of Jesus" when Peter rediscovers The Trashmen song "Surfin' Bird"
#FamilyGuy #FG #Woman #Adult #YoungAdult #Unnamed #Toilet #caught #Embarrassed #peeing #urinating #LadyOnTheToilet
#adult #youngadult #UnNamed #woman #urinating #familyguy #fg #toilet #caught #embarrassed #peeing #LadyOnTheToilet