FGM is leading cause of death in some nations, finds study | The Independent


Last updated 1 year ago

Friedensband · @Friedensband
5 followers · 7 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Kenia: Dorf ohne Männer
Der ghanaische Fotograf Paul Ninson durfte Umoja fotografieren. Er wollte die Geschichte "aus (einer afrikanischen) Perspektive" erzählen: Er hatte keinen Kontakt zu den Frauen und kannte nur die allgemeine Lage des Dorfes. Der Lebensstil der Bewohner ist bescheiden, die Frauen arbeiten, um ein Einkommen für Lebensmittel und Bildungsressourcen für die Kinder des Dorfes und einige der Frauen selbst zu verdienen. kake.com/story/49153312/ghanai

#madchenbeschneidung #fgm #fgc #frauenrechte #SexuelleGewalt

Last updated 1 year ago

Nicky🦨✌️ · @skoombidoombis
103 followers · 832 posts · Server masto.ai

I’m seeing more of the stupid “body count” nonsense circulating the main SMsites and I’m concerned.

The idea that a woman’s “character” or moral fiber is affected by the number of sexual partners she has is a very dangerous position. If you believe this, just be very aware that this position is a hop skip and a jump away from advocating for female genital mutilation


Last updated 1 year ago

Domando Al Lobo · @DomandoAlLobo
73 followers · 775 posts · Server mastodon.social

#299 🐺 domandoallobo.blogspot.com/202

♀️ Actualizado con consecuencias físicas, psicológicas, sexuales, reproductivas...
♀️ También con estudio del Ministerio de Igualdad
contra : "La en " (2020)📥
♀️ Con la migración se ha extendido por todo el mundo.
♀️ Hay Niñas y jóvenes que huyen a otros países para no ser sometidas a esta práctica que vulnera los

(📷 Cut: exposing WorldWild , 2019)

#mgf #violenciadegenero #MutilacionGenitalFemenina #espana #ddhh #endfgm #stopmgf #ffpaciente #fgm #documentary #documental

Last updated 1 year ago

I Like Books · @I_Like_Books
291 followers · 92 posts · Server strangeobject.space

Personally I think that ALL infant genital mutilation should be banned - female, male AND intersex. Let the person reach whatever age of majority in their jurisdiction and then choose for themselves (AND be fully covered by nationalized healthcare)

"Finland's bid to outlaw female genital mutilation (FGM) has foundered over concerns that the law would not also ban male circumcision."


#bancircumcision #mutilation #fgm #consent

Last updated 1 year ago

EIPR · @eipr
12 followers · 163 posts · Server masr.social

🔵 The 6th of February of every year, marks the International Zero Tolerance Day of Female Genital Mutilation . In accordance, the FGM Task Force - which is composed of Egyptian feminist and Human Rights organizations fighting FGM-, urges the Egyptian State to...


Last updated 2 years ago

Bunkunin · @Bunkunin
557 followers · 3281 posts · Server mstdn-social.social.shrimpcam.pw

It took years for Mina to comprehend the brutality of this act. Now, surgery has changed her life


Last updated 2 years ago

Bunkunin · @Bunkunin
557 followers · 3281 posts · Server mstdn.social

It took years for Mina to comprehend the brutality of this act. Now, surgery has changed her life


Last updated 2 years ago

Bunkunin · @Bunkunin
557 followers · 3281 posts · Server mstdn-social.social.shrimpcam.pw


Last updated 2 years ago

Bunkunin · @Bunkunin
557 followers · 3281 posts · Server mstdn.social


Last updated 2 years ago

“According to United Nations sources, more than 200 million women and girls have been mutilated by this abominable practice that we must eradicate as soon as possible and forever. Just think that, this year alone, around 4.3 million girls will be at risk of being mutilated”.


#femalegenitalmutilation #fgm #endfgm #humanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Female genital mutilation has roots in thousands of years of gender inequality across the globe. Let's get the facts right, is a violation of human rights.


#fgm #endfgm #GenderEquality #getthefacts

Last updated 2 years ago

Female genital mutilation has roots in thousands of years of gender inequality across the globe. Let's get the facts right, is a violation of human rights.


#fgm #endfgm #GenderEquality #getthefacts

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Underwood · @daveunderwood
225 followers · 1512 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @YoungHumanists
Today we stand in solidarity with girls and women around the world on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.

This horrific practice needs to end.


#endfgm #fgm #womensrights #humanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Wolfeh · @wolfeh
124 followers · 411 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I'm really afraid that if my future kids don't brush their teeth, they'll have problems with oral hygiene.

The logical solution to this is to rip every one of their teeth out as they come in so they don't have to worry about having to clean them.

That's how we do things here in the good ol' U-S of A, right?

#circumcision #fgm #bodilyautonomy #youthliberation

Last updated 2 years ago

DRF 🌈 · @drf
11 followers · 17 posts · Server swiss-talk.net

Begründet werden diese Verstümmelungen des weiblichen Körpers oft mit Tradition, kultureller Identität, sozialer Normen und damit die Frauen vor und während der Ehe treu sind. Wichtiger Grund ist auch die Religion – offenbar die wichtigste Begründung für eine Beschneidung. Und wie ist das nun mit der Beschneidung des Penis bei Jungs?


#beschneidung #fgm #genitalien #kinderrechte #vorhautverengung

Last updated 2 years ago

EndCGM · @EndCGM
1 followers · 7 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@johnfugelsang Will you be willing to talk about the violation of equal protections when it comes to laws only protecting girls from religious, cultural and non therapeutic genital cutting bur not protecting boys or intersex children?

I talked to @DeanObeidallah who said he would look into it and never heard him say anything about it again.

@ThomHartmann basically hung up one stating its probably because of its reasons for being done, he doesn't know about Philo Judaeus from 30 ad who stated circumcision was to get rid of excess pleasure because a man afflicted with lust could not walk the path of God. Or Moses Maimonides who in the 12th century said circumcision was to weaken mens sexual pleasure to drive lust and desire from his heart. Let's also not forget it was brought over in the late 1800s as a way to stop boys from self pleasure.

The WHO link I will provide shows the prevalence of each type of FGM, types 1,2 and 4 make up 90% and type 3 makes up 10% as you will see. Type 4 subtype 2 the AAP tried to get legalized as religious a while back stating the ritual knick is less severe and invasive than what's done to boys. Type 4 subtype 1 is a pin prick to draw out one drop of blood. People often state severity as reasons why one is illegal while the other is not. Research will show otherwise with the two examples I stated.


Bottom line, no healthy child should ever be medically altered for any reason. Let the person they grow up to be make the decision.

Bodily autonomy for all and equal protections for all.

#equality #equalprotections #fgm #mgm #igm #EndCGM #equalprotectionclause

Last updated 2 years ago

EndCGM · @EndCGM
1 followers · 6 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@ThomHartmann When are you going to stand up for equal protections for all children? I called your show last year and you hung up on me rather than allow me to explain my stance that boys and intersex children also deserve legal protections from religious, cultural and non therapeutic genital cutting like girls have. You started talking about the harms and reasons that it's done to girls without researching the harms and reasons it's done to others.

Bottom line is if one group is protected from genital cutting including religious, cultural and non therapeutic reasons the all groups should be. Equality should not be exclusive. No healthy child should have a scalpel touch them and remove healthy functional tissue which is highly sensitive and pleasurable for absolutely no immediate medical necessity.

If you think only girls should have rights to their bodies more than religion or culture does, but no one else then you do not understand equality.

#EndCGM #equality #equalprotections #fgm #mgm #igm

Last updated 2 years ago

Aries Consult Ltd. · @ariesconsult
1 followers · 4 posts · Server mastodon.world


Female Genital Mutilation in the . Not an easy topic to discuss - or read about - but important. But Sahel-bot makes it a bit easier to have a conversation on .

#sahel #fgm

Last updated 2 years ago