I’ve had a fairly quiet week on #FGOGlobal bond-farming and waiting for #NeroFest. It’s been kind of nice after the wild ride that was #LB6 & the 6th Anni.
But there’s still no sign of the lottery and Lasengle have just dropped some extra banners that #FGOJP **didn’t** get. So…. SURPRISE!
Two of them I can ignore but the third is Merlin. Who is a priority target for #marika so this is just RUDE. #FGO #FateGO
#fatego #fgo #marika #fgojp #lb6 #nerofest #fgoglobal
So I saw a bit of a gameplay video from #FGOJP (Olga looks WILD, they have to depower her if she’s going to be summonable… right?) and it looks like Mash is getting an upgrade to her 2nd or 3rd Ortinax skill? One that further shifts her towards being a Crit DPS?
Does anyone have the details yet?
So much for #FGOGlobal having #ClairvoyanceEX with respect to game updates. 😂
(That’s been true for a while now, at least with respect to Quality of Life upgrades. We’re still two years behind #FGOJP for ***story*** updates).
#fgoglobal #clairvoyanceex #fgojp
!!!! #FGO #FGOGlobal Well this QoL upgrade is a year early, and very welcome to see.
(From memory #FGOJP got this for Christmas 6, not 5)
Right, so #FGOGlobal is having its Advent Calendar which as far as I know #FGOJP doesn’t get. And yesterday was a strong start with a Summoning Ticket. Cool.
Today was… 500 Friend Points. Which, in the scheme of things, doesn’t really do a lot for #arcadia (or #marika for that matter) right now.
(I’m currently saving FP for when Habetrot gets added. Or the #GudaGuda 5 re-run. Whichever comes first)
BTW, how do you add Alt Text to images in Mastodon?
#fgoglobal #fgojp #arcadia #marika #gudaguda