Its the world upside down. People who want to protect our planet #Earth from #greed #Forbes500 #multinationals like #RWE in #Germany #Deutschland #Lutzerath are attacked by #police aka the #slaves of the establishment.
Years ago I decided I didn't want #children I don't want them to live in this ugly barbaric "civilisation" where #shareholders exploit the planet for selfish reasons.
I hope I will never return to this ugly place created by our #sociopath leaders aka #politicians
#KlimaKrise #Klimaschutz #Klimakatastrophe #Lutzerath #Climate #ClimateChange #Thunberg #ClimateCrisis #fgreenpeace #COP15 #COP27 #UAE #SAUDI #Shell #BP #Exxon
We have a total #corruption of our society by the #fossil fuel industry.
#earth #greed #Forbes500 #multinationals #rwe #germany #deutschland #Lutzerath #police #slaves #children #shareholders #sociopath #politicians #KlimaKrise #KlimaSchutz #KlimaKatastrophe #climate #ClimateChange #thunberg #ClimateCrisis #fgreenpeace #COP15 #cop27 #uae #saudi #shell #bp #exxon #corruption #fossil
Thousands from all over #Europe join protests in #Lutzerath #Deutschland #Germany to stop the very polluting #lignite mine from #RWE
Without Russian gas, lignite will be needed until more #renewable energy can be generated, the government says. The #activists do not want the highly polluting lignite to be used to generate electricity, because of the consequences for the #Climate #ClimateChange #Thunberg #ClimateCrisis #Lutzerath #fgreenpeace #ExtinctionRebellion #klimaatverandering #energietransitie #duurzaamheid #klimaatcrisis #klimaatActie #klimaatontwrichting #klimaatrechtvaardigheid #fossielVrij #fossieleBrandstoffen
This s#cience research talks about 10 degrees Celsius warming and is by James E #Hansen #NASA #Columbia #University and is peer reviewed!
There should actually be uninterrupted action on a global scale every day, well coordinated, otherwise it will have no effect, and no longer be "news" after half a year, at least not by #corporate controlled media outlets.
#europe #Lutzerath #deutschland #germany #lignite #rwe #renewable #activists #climate #ClimateChange #thunberg #ClimateCrisis #fgreenpeace #ExtinctionRebellion #klimaatverandering #energietransitie #duurzaamheid #klimaatcrisis #klimaatactie #klimaatontwrichting #klimaatrechtvaardigheid #fossielvrij #fossielebrandstoffen #hansen #nasa #columbia #university #corporate
All this #creativity when it comes to giving names to disastrous #ClimateChange this time its called hydro-#climate whiplash.
#ClimateCrisis #California and for awareness #Lutzerath #fgreenpeace #ExtinctionRebellion
#creativity #ClimateChange #climate #ClimateCrisis #california #Lutzerath #fgreenpeace #ExtinctionRebellion