Rebase Tokens: A Stunning Collapse From $8 Billion to $351 Million in 20 Months - The crypto winter inflicted a brutal toll on the digital currency landscape, leavi... - #marketcapitalization #coincirculation #digitalcurrency #uniqueaddresses #peakpricerange #stakingaddress #cryptoeconomy #rebasetokens #alltimehigh #decimation #innovation #olympusdao #wonderland #protocols #altcoins #fhm
#fhm #altcoins #protocols #wonderland #olympusdao #innovation #decimation #alltimehigh #rebasetokens #cryptoeconomy #stakingaddress #peakpricerange #uniqueaddresses #digitalcurrency #coincirculation #marketcapitalization
#FHM Australia - July 2023
Direct Download
#delete #pdf #magazine
@NoBeret sometimes ya have to go down undah
#FHM Australia June 2023 46MB
Direct Download
#FHM US � May 2023
#FHM UK � May 2023
#FHM South Africa � May 2023
Come take a look at my Discord!
Ages +18 only, adult content can be seen.
#furry #furryartwork #furryfandom #Toyota #Camry #paws #cars #needforspeed #NeedForSpeedUnbound #fh5 #FHM #ForzaHorizon5 #ForzaHorizon4
#forzahorizon4 #ForzaHorizon5 #fhm #fh5 #needforspeedunbound #NeedforSpeed #cars #paws #camry #toyota #furryfandom #furryartwork #furry
Enligt vår rektor, barn med vattkoppor måste gå till skolan om pigga. Och det säger också Folkhälsomyndigheten på deras websida. Otroligt! Bara i Sverige...
"När vattkoppor upptäcks på förskola eller skola har smittspridning redan skett. Det är därför inte meningsfullt att hålla pigga barn hemma även om inte krustorna torkat in."
#Folkhälsomyndigheten #FHM #Folkohälsomyndigheten #vattkoppor
#vattkoppor #folkohalsomyndigheten #fhm #folkhalsomyndigheten
#FHM South Africa – January 2023 48mb
#FHM UK - January 2023 44mb
#FHM Sweden – December 2022.pdf 45.53 MB
FHM US – December 2022.pdf 88.36 MB
I started a new game of Franchise Hockey Manager since they released a new patch. Playing as the Philadelphia Flyers, the patch now has Atkinson injured to start (he was incorrectly uninjured/available before in their rosters).
That changes the team owner's season expectation from 'be in top 3/4 of league' pre-patch to 'don't be last' now. LOL. Very true to life.
Feminist Hack Meetings #3
Feminist Futurotopixs
At Varia + online
Saturday 06/11/2021
11:00-13:00 CEST
#Spideralex will introduce us to Feminist #Futurotopixs. This workshop will enable participants to dream, invent and desire together feminist #technologies. They will invent narratives, speculative fiction and radical imaginaries that work as alternatives to existing oppressive or dystopian models. The workshop is oriented at co-designing stories and creating new worlds as processes to imagine and #dream together about feminist desired futures.
More info:
To register send to:
F(eminist)H(ack)M(eetings), organised by Artemis, Angeliki and Julia, are a series of research meetings and workshops that explore the potentialities and imaginaries of feminist technological collectives. These gatherings aim to challenge who counts as a hacker, and what counts as hacking. More:
/This event is made possible with the kind support of the Creative
Industries Fund NL/
*Varia's newsletter:*
@estragon #varia #fhm #femimist #hack #meetings #speculativefiction
#speculativefiction #meetings #hack #femimist #fhm #varia #dream #technologies #Futurotopixs #Spideralex
Zineing with (F)eminist (H)ack (M)eetings @SPREAD Zinefest (at Sign Gallery at Groningen), with lots of scanning, printing, binding, patching, folding, annotating, re-reading, messing.
It was amazing to see such a rich zine collection made by the hosts of SPREAD from feminist, artist zine makers from far away.
Thanks all the zine contributors who send their feminist zines and participants of the workshop.
Check out the FemLib with links from the publications of the contributors in the wiki :)
With @estragon and Julia
#fhm #sign #spread #femlib #zines #wiki
#wiki #zines #femlib #spread #sign #fhm
Your feminist zine to SPREAD Zinefest!
F(eminist)H(ack)M(eetings) invites you to send zines to the presentation library, “Zinedisplayer”, of the SPREAD Zinefestival until the 11th of September. In this year's SPREAD Zinefest, FHM will organise a workshop on zine making and invite zines from different networks to be displayed in the festival and join a feminist library that will be an inspiration reference for the workshop. We invite you to contribute with your zine(s) themed around feminism in relation to L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.+ issues, hacking, biohacking, technology, art, food, caring, networks, tools, infrastructures etc. The delivery costs and the price of the zine will be covered.
If you wish to participate send us an email to
SPREAD Zinefest ( is a festival focusing on self published art and prints, including a library, a zinemarket, workshops, lectures, petanque and network moments in a splendid setting!
FHM are a series of research meetings and workshops that are initiated by Varia ( in Rotterdam. They explore the potentialities and imaginaries of feminist technological collectives. These gatherings aim to challenge who counts as a hacker, and what counts as hacking(...)
Feminist Hack Meetings #2 - Polyphonic Radio Ensemble
Saturday 24/07/2021
11:00-16:00 CEST
Let's create a radiophonic piece together!
Reni Hofmüller ( will introduce us to radio and the idea of catching the waves artistically and technically. We invite you to join a #radio improvisation work, by using and adapting the time- and material structuring method of the #Polyphonic #Ensemble (
Laten we samen een radiofonisch stuk maken!
Reni Hofmüller ( neemt ons mee in de wereld van radio en het idee van 'catching the waves': een method om geluidsgolven artistiek en technisch op te vangen. Doe mee aan deze radio-improvisatie aan de
hand van de tijd- en materiaalstructureringsmethode van het Polyphonic Ensemble
More information:
Location: online
To register, please send an email to mentioning the name of the
event in the subject line.
The poster was made with a poster generator designed by Amélie Dumont
#fhm #varia #ensemble #polyphonic #radio