I wrote about the relationship I had with my late wife. We had a few ups and downs but I know we would have stayed together if she had not died.
My new relationship is different but I think it's impossible to compare relationships or say one is better than the other.
Photo by Rachel Walker on Unsplash
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#love #Life #romance #relationships #wife #girlfriend #fiancee #lifestory #grief #widowed #WidowedYoung #newlove #secondtimearound #marriage #soulmates #dating
I am the luckiest girl in the world 😍😍
#Trans #TransPartner #LoveOfMyLife #Girlfriend #Partner #Fiancee #Bisexual #Sapphic #Relationship
#trans #transpartner #loveofmylife #girlfriend #partner #fiancee #bisexual #sapphic #relationship
Michael Blackson Says His Fiancee Likes to Watch Him Get it on With Other Women #michael #blackson #says #fiancee #likes #watch #with #other #women #31maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG16LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA1LzMxL21pY2hhZWwtYmxhY2tzb24tZmlhbmNlZS1yYWRhLWRhcmxpbmctbGlrZXMtdG8td2F0Y2gtaGltLWhhdmUtc2V4LW90aGVyLXdvbWVuLw==
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