The (hashtag #) scamToken's primary goal is moneyLaundering, and making blockchain about .


Last updated 3 years ago

There's a lot of scams, and actors (eg. Cloudflare)

We've been, admitedly crudely, watching the space and seen distractions from and come and go. The has the deepest pockets, as its designed to re-focus crypto back to .

A bait-and-switch of sorts.

The latest and most dangerous distraction are the built on top of the (sic: yes, we were misspelling it for a while unfortunately, haha).

#subversive #bitcoincore #monero #ethereumScam #fiatCurrencies #ethereumScamTokens #etheriumScam

Last updated 3 years ago

We live in a world where people are experiencing extreme for not undergoing

The need to reject , and are more imperative with each passing day…

But you spend your time name-dripping , which only 2% of the crypto-enthusiasts actually care about.

#discrimination #medicalExperimentation #bigtech #bigpharma #fiatCurrencies #ethereumScamTokens #priorities #darkpatterns

Last updated 3 years ago

"How can we turn around so the focus comes back to ?"

"Oh, sir that's easy sir, the , sir."

#cryptocurrencies #fiatCurrencies #etheriumScam

Last updated 3 years ago

The only thing that incentivises is debt-based and .

Look into fractional reserve banking to see real .

Gold and are deflationary and wouldn't allow the kinds of debt growth and global destruction we've seen over 50 years.

Also bitcoin mining is designed to respond dynamically to the amount of energy available. If less energy is out there then the difficulty of mining will decrease.

@actualsteerpike @be

#stockMarketing #exponentialGrowth #perpetualGrowth #fiatCurrencies #bitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

"WE NEED TO GET OUT of this that funds our " says , author of 'Bitcoin and Black America'.

Some are reportedly holding up signs, telling people to read this . In it the author suggests the can support each other and develop a strong , while the crumble into insignificance.

#moneySystem #terror #IsaiahJackson #protesters #book #workingClasses #circulareconomy #fiatCurrencies #bitcoin #blackamerica #justice #farmersMarkets #FairGo #criminaljustice #unconfiscatable #resilience

Last updated 4 years ago