@thenewoil @GhostOnTheHalfShell
Breaking up monopolies is a built-in feature of bitcoin. Monopolies only got to where they are by borrowing large amounts they can only do that on a #fiatCurrency system.
A concerted effort by #thePeople to reject dotCons is vital for their breakup, now. It's too difficult politically to #breakThemUp if dotCons can #blackmail as they did in #Australia, 2021. Falsebook and Goo' cut us off from #mainstreamNews outlets.
Grassroots #activism is needed.
#fiatCurrency #thePeople #blackmail #australia #mainstreamnews #breakThemUp #activism
Why are you giving credence to t'rdSite?
Bitcoiners are using the most important invention since electricity to democratically rid us of central banks that use their ability to print money to turn us from citizens to braindead, #consumptionist slaves.
The #fiatCurrency cult has had a great run. replete with two world wars, if you consider them separate (or even over for that matter).
Bitcoiners don't spruik fossil fuels, either, your FUDD is so 2018.
Fantasy-Sports Firm Sorare Looks to Increase Appeal by Diluting Crypto Association - While Sorare has over 4 million registered users, it is looking to fuel further growth by... - https://www.coindesk.com/web3/2023/07/31/fantasy-sports-firm-sorare-looks-to-increase-appeal-by-diluting-crypto-association/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #fiatcurrency #sorare #sports #web3 #news #nfts
#nfts #news #web3 #sports #sorare #fiatCurrency
@steven @humansriseup
Money is just a value system communities try to reach consensus on, yes. Just human constructs of value.
The question is whether we construct the value system on something that can easily be manipulated by a cabal of monopolists, #fiatCurrency, or whether we build on a foundation of value that cannot be manipulated (while people have access to ethical and quite basic computer systems), #bitcoin.
A question for our time?
AI is terrible, yes.
When we look at who are 'hosts' of the #AI #disservices you'll see just how bad.
By comparison #bitcoin reduces #waste in many areas. Bitcoin destroys #consumerism. Almost any bitcoin users can attest to how bitcoin changed the way the see #fiatCurrency, including the #moneyPrinting that serves the greatest polluter on earth — the #USMilitary.
Re: #EV
There're no free lunches,but also, people oft forget #peakOil = a thing.
#ai #disservices #bitcoin #waste #consumerism #fiatCurrency #moneyPrinting #USMilitary #ev #peakoil #pollution
AI is terrible, yes.
When we look at who are 'hosts' of the #AI #disservices you'll see just how bad.
By comparison #bitcoin is reducing #waste in many areas. Bitcoin destroys #consumerism. Almost any bitcoin users can attest to how bitcoin changed the way the see #fiatCurrency, including the #moneyPrinting that serves the greatest polluter on earth — the #USMilitary.
Re: #EV
There are no free lunches, but also, people oft forget #peakOil = a thing.
#ai #disservices #bitcoin #waste #consumerism #fiatCurrency #moneyPrinting #USMilitary #ev #peakoil #pollution
China Ready to Talk Asian Monetary Fund to Cut Dollar Dependence, Malaysia Says - An idea to establish an Asian Monetary Fund has caught the attention of the Chines... - https://news.bitcoin.com/china-ready-to-talk-asian-monetary-fund-to-cut-dollar-dependence-malaysia-says/ #internationalmonetaryfund #nationalcurrencies #regionalcurrencies #asianmonetaryfund #tradesettlements #anwaribrahim #fiatcurrency #currencies #dependence #u.s.dollar #malaysian #xijinping #currency #malaysia #chinese
#chinese #malaysia #currency #xijinping #malaysian #u #dependence #currencies #fiatCurrency #anwaribrahim #tradesettlements #asianmonetaryfund #regionalcurrencies #nationalcurrencies #internationalmonetaryfund
Report: South African Digital-Only Bank Launches Crypto Payments Gateway - A South African digital-only bank (also known as a “neo bank”), Be Mobile Africa, ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/report-south-african-digital-only-bank-launches-crypto-payments-gateway/ #digitalcurrency #bemobileafrica #cryptocurrency #paymentgateway #cédricjeannot #cryptogateway #fiatcurrency #digitalbank #neobanks #fintech
#fintech #neobanks #digitalbank #fiatCurrency #cryptogateway #cédricjeannot #paymentgateway #cryptocurrency #bemobileafrica #digitalcurrency
South African Government to Add Crypto Entities to ‘List of Accountable Institutions’ - According to the South African government, crypto entities — or businesses whose a... - https://news.bitcoin.com/south-african-government-to-add-crypto-entities-to-list-of-accountable-institutions/ #financialsectorconductauthority #mediumofexchange #enochgodongwana #crypto-custody #fiatcurrency #storeofvalue #cryptoasset #regulation
#regulation #cryptoasset #storeofvalue #fiatCurrency #crypto #enochgodongwana #mediumofexchange #financialsectorconductauthority
Fiat Currencies Around The World Face The Same Fate As The FTX Fiasco
#macroeconomics #TwitterSpaces #fiatcurrency #Markets #Podcast #Gbtc #FTX #Yen
#macroeconomics #TwitterSpaces #fiatCurrency #markets #podcast #GBTC #FTX #yen
Argentine Digital Peso Proposal: Eliminate Tax Evasion by Digitizing the Full Fiat Currency Supply - A proposal to eliminate the physical representation of the Argentine Peso, in orde... - https://news.bitcoin.com/argentine-digital-peso-proposal-eliminate-tax-evasion-by-digitizing-the-full-fiat-currency-supply/ #carlosmariadelossantos #jorgecapitanich #fiatcurrency #chainalysis #digitalpeso #lowertaxes #taxevasion #economics #argentina #argentine #surplus #bills #chaco
#chaco #bills #surplus #argentine #argentina #economics #taxevasion #lowertaxes #digitalpeso #chainalysis #fiatCurrency #jorgecapitanich #carlosmariadelossantos
Argentine Digital Peso Proposal: Eliminate Tax Evasion by Digitizing the Full Fiat Currency Supply
#CarlosMariaDeLosSantos #JorgeCapitanich #fiatcurrency #Chainalysis #digitalpeso #lowertaxes #taxevasion #Economics #Argentina #Argentine #surplus #bills #chaco
#CarlosMariaDeLosSantos #JorgeCapitanich #fiatCurrency #Chainalysis #digitalpeso #lowertaxes #taxevasion #economics #argentina #Argentine #surplus #bills #chaco
Bank of England to Double Long-Dated Gilt Buy-Backs, QE Policy to See an ‘Orderly End’ in Mid-October
#centralbankintervention #BankofEngland(BOE) #DoubleBondPurchase #BOEintervention #BankofEngland #sterlingpound #UKCentralBank #fiatcurrency #intervention #Repoprograms #BankofJapan #BondMarkets #CentralBank #PoundSlides #GiltBuying #UKcurrency #Economics #DoubleQE
#centralbankintervention #bankofengland #DoubleBondPurchase #BOEintervention #sterlingpound #UKCentralBank #fiatCurrency #intervention #Repoprograms #BankofJapan #BondMarkets #centralbank #PoundSlides #GiltBuying #UKcurrency #economics #DoubleQE
Bank of England Suspends Tightening Policy as Pound Nosedives — Central Bank to Start Purchasing Long-Dated UK Government Bonds
#centralbankintervention #BankofEngland(BOE) #BOEintervention #BankofEngland #sterlingpound #UKCentralBank #fiatcurrency #intervention #BankofJapan #BondMarkets #CentralBank #PoundSlides #UKcurrency #Economics
#centralbankintervention #bankofengland #BOEintervention #sterlingpound #UKCentralBank #fiatCurrency #intervention #BankofJapan #BondMarkets #centralbank #PoundSlides #UKcurrency #economics
As Rupee, Euro, and Yen Hit Historic Lows, Will Crypto Finally Have Its Day?
#IndiaCryptoRegulations #CryptoAdoption #IndiaCryptoTax #fiatcurrency #Markets #rupee
#IndiaCryptoRegulations #CryptoAdoption #IndiaCryptoTax #fiatCurrency #markets #rupee
Bank of Japan Intervenes in Foreign Exchange Markets After Yen Slips to 24-Year Low
#ForeignExchangeMarkets #benchmarkinterestrate #Buy-Sideforexmarkets #fallingcurrency #SteveGoldstein #MichaelHewson #fiatcurrency #intervention #BankofJapan #Japaneseyen #24-yearlow #Economics #Greenback #USdollars #Buy-Side #lowrates #USdollar #Dollars #Dollar #forex #1998 #BOJ #USD
#ForeignExchangeMarkets #benchmarkinterestrate #buy #fallingcurrency #SteveGoldstein #MichaelHewson #fiatCurrency #intervention #BankofJapan #japaneseyen #economics #Greenback #USdollars #lowrates #USDollar #Dollars #DOLLAR #forex #BOJ #USD
Bank of Russia Eases Restrictions on Purchases of Dollar and Euro Cash
#Cryptocurrencies #foreigncurrency #Cryptocurrency #BankofRussia #fiatcurrency #restrictions #CentralBank #Withdrawals #loosening #Currency #Measures #USdollar #Finance #russian #Crypto #Demand #Dollar #Easing #Russia #Cash #Euro #CBR
#cryptocurrencies #foreigncurrency #cryptocurrency #BankofRussia #fiatCurrency #restrictions #centralbank #Withdrawals #loosening #currency #Measures #USDollar #finance #russian #crypto #Demand #DOLLAR #Easing #russia #cash #euro #CBR
Report Claims Russia and Iran Plan to Establish a Global Gas Cartel, Moscow to Launch Its Own Precious Metals Exchange
#NationalIranianOilCompany #PreciousMetalsExchange #MoscowWorldStandard #bondsChineseyuan #GlobalEconomy #VladimirPutin #BRICSNations #fiatcurrency #Oilprice.com #russianruble #SimonWatkins #ChineseYuan #naturalgas #Economics
#NationalIranianOilCompany #PreciousMetalsExchange #MoscowWorldStandard #bondsChineseyuan #globaleconomy #VladimirPutin #BRICSNations #fiatCurrency #oilprice #russianruble #SimonWatkins #ChineseYuan #naturalgas #economics
Venezuelan Bolivar Plunges as Central Bank Stops Intervening and Public Spending Rises
#CentralBankofVenezuela #venezuelanbolivar #publicspending #fiatcurrency #Devaluation #Economics #inflation #Venezuela #Binance
#CentralBankofVenezuela #venezuelanbolivar #publicspending #fiatCurrency #Devaluation #economics #Inflation #venezuela #binance
Andrew Tate Endorses Bitcoin, Saying Money Is ‘Trash’
#CryptocurrencyPodcast #fiatcurrency #AndrewTate #Pompliano #Markets #Bitcoin
#CryptocurrencyPodcast #fiatCurrency #andrewtate #Pompliano #markets #bitcoin