A little bit of energy yesterday meant that I decided to do some long overdue maintenance on our #PandaCross “Ninky”. I replaced a 14 year old auxiliary belt and it’s tensioner. And for good measure I hot stapled a crack in the bumper. I’m now having to rest again 😬😩 but it’s just about ready for its next MOT #FiatPandaCross #FiatPanda4x4
#pandacross #fiatpandacross #fiatpanda4x4
I like tinkering on old cars and bicycles so to start with here’s the family cars. These two serve the us well and will hopefully continue to do so. Across a whole lifecycle they are reasonably environmental too. The bike pictures will follow 🤦🏼♂️ #renaultcliocampus #fiatpandacross
#renaultcliocampus #fiatpandacross