When he was a kitten I couldn't give him enough treats to make him stay in the basket. Now he thinks it's the bees knees. As I type this I am watching him sleep in the basket, basking in the afternoon sun.
Does it count as #fiberfriday if I am *meaning* to #knit, ... right after the little one is done with his nap on my #wip?
#cat #catsofmastodon #petphotography #cozy #photography #yarn
#fiberfriday #knit #wip #cat #catsofmastodon #petphotography #cozy #photography #yarn
Der Kalender sagt: Es ist #Fiberfriday!
Und da will es das Gesetz, dass wir uns an feinstes #Carbon-Material schmiegen.
Und so legen wir uns das nächste Projekt zu recht:
Ein #Rahmen aus Prag - #Laufräder und Anbauteile aus Dresden. Alles aus Kohlenstofffaser hergestellt - uhlala.
Das Ergebnis zeigen wir euch sicherlich in der kommenden Woche.
#fahrrad #rennrad #bikeshop
#fiberfriday #carbon #rahmen #laufrader #fahrrad #rennrad #bikeshop
I’m mostly a natural fiber person (I prefer the way it feels), but what depends on what I’m doing.
My knitting fave is wool, especially wool with a little bite to it. Also I like blends. Yarn has to be springy, for my wrists.
Sewing, I like any natural fiber fabric; what depends on the purpose. I have a commercial cotton/linen dress that lately makes me want to make another.
Spinning, I like wool or cotton.
Weaving, I haven’t done enough of to know.
#FiberArtCamp it’s #FiberFriday and this is a brave share because it is a very much a #WIP but my favourite fibre is #silk and I am doing a one twelfth scale embroidery of this original by Margaret McDonald, the wife and design partner of Charles Rennie MacIntosh. It’s got a very long way to go!
#fiberartcamp #fiberfriday #wip #silk
Moving on to #FiberFriday for
I think my favorite yarns are natural, but so much depends on the project. Who is it for, what kinds of characteristics does it need from the yarn? For myself, mostly wool. Afghans for the grandsons to haul around, roll up in, make tents with? Red Heart all the way. Dishcloths? Cotton. Summer sweater for me? Probably would do a cotton blend. Love alpaca, but have learned to beware its lack of elasticity For the right pattern it’s wonderful.
Second #FiberArtClub #FiberFriday post (I promise to stop in a minute!). Yes, my favourite fabric is wool (again), but this time, knitting wool not woven fabric - specifically, Shetland wool. This is a baby jumper I made for a work colleague, using wool left over from the blanket I shared on Monday #knitting #FairIsleFriday #FiberArtCamp
#fiberartcamp #fairislefriday #knitting #fiberfriday #fiberartclub
For #FiberFriday during #FiberArtClub week I have chosen wool as my favourite fabric (not massively surprising as everyone else has too!). These are some of my home-sewn wool makes - as you can see, I’m also a sucker for a fancy lining! All of these are quite different fabrics - herringbone tweed on the bomber jacket, Italian cashmere deadstock with moths for the duffel coat, Loden wool on the super-thick 60’s coat and Merino wool for the tailored jacket.
#FiberArtCamp - it's #FiberFriday
What's my favorite material? I think I'll go with #wool - and not just any wool, I especially love naturally grey shades of wool - like Gotland, Shetland or Corriedale.
Those greys are so rich and beautiful and they are a great canvas for dyeing as they take the dye and transform it into lovely, saturated jewel tones.
This is a 75% natural grey #corriedale and 25% Sari silk, which wasn't colorfast so the yarn has a pink hue.
@spinning #spinning @fiberarts
#spinning #corriedale #wool #fiberfriday #fiberartcamp
#FiberArtCamp #FiberFriday I love wool, and have only recently reached a point where I can sometimes afford to buy it. A few years ago I found a huge bag of yarn at Goodwill for a few dollars. It included 7 skeins of 50/50 alpaca/wool blend--the purple color in this shawl. I bought the gold and white, one skein each, to go with it. Lovely to work with!
It's #FiberFriday and #knittingseason is just around the corner here in zone 5b. The #flowers are from my own garden, and all these warm, cozy vibes are making me look forward to all the things I'll be #knitting as the weather cools down.
I've got a couple shawls on the needles as well as as afghan, but... what's one more WIP, right??
#fiberfriday #knittingseason #flowers #knitting #bloomscrolling
#FiberArtCamp Day 5 #FiberFriday
Rather than choosing a specific fiber, I’m going with a fiber type as my favorite. Wool, all the way, wool. It’s just so nice to touch. Wool has a lovely springiness that makes it a pleasure to knit with, beating out any other fiber types I’ve touched. Wool roving is the nicest to spin, too, with a fuzzy texture and long, kinky staples that make it forgiving. The texture isn’t as important while making crochet, but the finished pieces feel wonderful. Even bits of wool picked up from where sheep have shed it while grazing feel wonderful. So thank you, sheep!
Ps. I compiled my responses so far on blog https://rinsemiddlebliss.com/posts/2023-08-04-fiber-art-camp/
Day 5 of #FiberArtCamp is #FiberFriday about our favorite materials.
I honestly don't think I have a favorite material. One of the wonderful aspects I'm finding about quilting (at least the way I'm doing it) is that nearly everything is fair game to use.
In my typical fashion, though, I'm drawn to deep saturated colors and I tend to like more random or abstract patterning in the dyeing, rather than a fixed pattern or stamp design.
I should add, I really like making stuff with yarn I've spun, and I enjoy the challenge of trying to find the right pattern to make the most of what I've spun. I'm currently on the look out for something to show off my most recently finished yarn. This is a laceweight bfl blend, and is a mirrored reverse rainbow gradient, in it goes from purple through to red and then back again. All suggestions welcome.
It's #FiberFriday at #FiberArtCamp 🧶 and I'm here to talk about my favourite material!
...it's wool.
Soft wool, rustic wool, smooth wool, fuzzy wool. Sheepy wool, silky wool, piles and piles and piles of wool.
(Blends are nice too.)
#FiberFriday for #FiberArtCamp
Favourite materials is such a big question when I barely feel like I've scratched the surface. I do love a West Yorkshire Spinners sock yarn. Watching the colours knit up is immensely satisfying. Camarose Yaku is another favourite. It's a luxuriously soft superwash merino.
I'm excited to use John Arbon's Appledore in the colourway Quench. It is magical to me how something so intensely colourful can also be super neutral.
I'm fairly open minded when it comes to materials. I mostly use natural fibres, but I'm not totally opposed to acrylics etc if needed (though I try not to use it a lot.)
For knitting, I tend to use laceweights and 4ply yarns, as I do a lot of socks and shawls.
For spinning, something with bfl in is always good.
#FiberArtCamp #FiberFriday
A prompt answer from me today: #wool .
The fibre I learned with, more than half a century ago.
In the UK there is a wealth of sheep breeds with their various qualities. Thanks to the work of Louise Scollay and her "Wool Exploration" project, I'm becoming acquainted with them:
#fiberartcamp #fiberfriday #wool
Zum #Fiberfriday auch mal einen raushauen!
Zum Beispiel dieses Carbon-Allroad-Gefährt der Extraklasse.
Für Eike lassen wir in Prag einen Maßrahmen ganz nach seinen Wünschen und der beim #Bikefitting ermittelten Geometrie fertigen: ein #Festka "Rover", das auch seine Wunschlackierung erhält.
Wir bauen daraus ein schnelles #Gravelrad mit Shimano GRX Di2 Gruppe, #Carbonlaufradsatz, Deda Anbauteilen und 38mm breiten Teravail-Slicks.
Ein herrliches Gerät! #bikeshop #gravel #fahrrad
#fiberfriday #bikefitting #festka #Gravelrad #carbonlaufradsatz #bikeshop #gravel #fahrrad
Zum #Fiberfriday ein Carbon-Downcountry-Rahmen und eine neue Kooperation!
Wir freuen uns sehr, zukünftig enger mit LAST BIKES zusammen zu arbeiten!
Die Dortmunder liefern uns äußerst durchdachte MTB Rahmen, die in Carbonvariante in Deutschland laminiert werden. Aber auch im günstigeren Alu-Bereich bietet LAST Optionen.
Wir zeigen euch hier das "LAST Celos" in der rohen Carbonvariante - aber auch Lackierungen sind denkbar.
Lust auf Custom-#MTB-Aufbauten? Meldet euch bei uns! #bikeshop
Zum #Fiberfriday lassen wir uns nicht lange bitten:
4x Festka!
Egal ob für den Straßeneinsatz oder als Gravelbike, die Carbon-Rahmen aus Prag machen eine sehr gute Figur und sind höchst individualisierbar.
Ihr habt Interesse am High End Custom Bike? Wir beraten euch gern zum Traumrad aus dem Light Wolf Studio.
#wirbauenpassenderäder #festka #custombike #bespoked #rennrad #rennradliebe
#fiberfriday #wirbauenpassenderäder #festka #custombike #bespoked #rennrad #rennradliebe