Pumpkin spice glass beads for pumpkin spice sunfish. For some reason, I start seeing these warmouth sunfish late summer into early fall.
I caught it on a new-to-me Fenwick FF70 7' 5-6 weight fiberglass fly rod that has the date 7/7/70 written on the rod tube. The glass beads came from a bead shop in Athens Ohio. One of the feathers came from a pheasant, and the other came from my new ratty rooster skin.
#glassbeads #pumpkinspice #warmouth #sunfish #flyfishing #flytying #weightforward #fiberglass #rooster #pheasant
#glassbeads #pumpkinspice #warmouth #sunfish #flyfishing #flytying #weightforward #fiberglass #rooster #pheasant
Bottom panel of the seat getting glassed.
All the internal resin is done for now. Time to dry and flip it over!
Last of the interior fiberglass going in. Now to don the safety equipment and slather on gobs of resin!
Work continues apace, but there's still lots to do and the daily temps are 100+ right now. 😀
#waverunner #diy #fiberglass #sohot
This chopped strand mat is going to drive me insane. It's like working with sticky flimsy fabric.
If you want to reduce your #ToxicExposure, drink #beverages like #beer out of #GlassContainers.
#SingleStreamRecycling was a mistake. Advocate for glass drop-off sites. We should do more with #glass than #plastic #fiberglass. @MASSPIRG @JustZero @MBebinger
#toxicexposure #beverages #beer #glasscontainers #singlestreamrecycling #glass #plastic #fiberglass
Not a poser 😎😮💨
#RollerSkating #Rink #StaceyAdams #Fiberglass #HipHop #LosAngeles #Skater
#rollerskating #rink #staceyadams #fiberglass #hiphop #losangeles #skater
Design Milk : TFM Planter Collection Unites Traditional + Modern in More Ways Than One https://design-milk.com/tfm-planter-collection-unites-traditional-modern-in-more-ways-than-one/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=tfm-planter-collection-unites-traditional-modern-in-more-ways-than-one #indoor/outdoorplanter #HomeFurnishings #homefurnishings #TulesteFactory #Collaboration #indooroutdoor #Commercial #commercial #fiberglass #Manscapers #outdoor #planter #GetOut #Main
#indoor #homefurnishings #tulestefactory #collaboration #indooroutdoor #commercial #fiberglass #manscapers #outdoor #planter #getout #main
Gibt es irgendwo ein öffentliches Verzeichnis, welcher Anbieter aktuell #Glasfaser-Anschluss anbietet, nach Straßen und Hausnummern sortiert?
Bei mir, gute 10 Meter von der Haustür entfernt, liegt Glasfaser in der Straße. Aber die Anbieter, bei denen ich auf der Webseite oder per Telefon nachgefragt habe, ziehen die Schultern hoch, wenn man nach konkreten Angeboten für unsere Mietwohnung fragt.
Vielleicht habe ich einen Anbieter übersehen, der schon aktiv ist oder wird. Und dazu würde ich gerne in einem öffentlichen Verzeichnis nachgucken wollen.
Gibt es so etwas?
Upgrade your space with durable fiberglass products! #fiberglass #homeimprovement #qualitymaterials
#fiberglass #homeimprovement #qualitymaterials
Explore Canadian PoolScapes online to find top rated and affordable #fiberglass #pool #contractor hassle free. Our highly skilled team specialize in designing and building extraordinary outdoor spaces that are both beautiful and functional, tailored to fit your exact needs. https://canadianpoolscapes.ca/fiberglass/
Revolutionizing Fiberglass Production with Stitched Combo Mat Line! ? #Fiberglass #Innovation
What's interesting about this result is that we actually have a timeframe for this kind of research: the result is the product of a research project involving both private and public partners that was launched in 2021. That's an excellent result.
And there's more: it looks like the material recovery approach developed for the wind turbine blades should work for #fiberGlass epoxy in general. One of the many ways in which investing in renewable energy has wider returns in civilian applications.
Best Clearwater Beach Fiberglass Pools and Spa with a wide range of Designs and Models. Our Fiberglass Pools and Spa are made from the Highest Grade Fiber.
Visit us - https://copanopools.com/fiberglass-pools/
#fiberglasspools #swimmingpool #pools #pooldesign #fiberglass #pool
#pool #fiberglass #pooldesign #pools #swimmingpool #fiberglasspools
Best Clearwater Beach Fiberglass Pools and Spa with a wide range of Designs and Models. Our Fiberglass Pools and Spa are made from the Highest Grade Fiber.
Visit us - https://copanopools.com/fiberglass-pools/
#fiberglasspools #swimmingpool #pools #pooldesign #fiberglass #pool
#pools #pooldesign #fiberglasspools #swimmingpool #fiberglass #pool
I had to go to the post office over lunch.
#flyfishing #scandi #largemouthbass #greentrout #fiberglass
Some personal news: my wife and I have not been able to enter our apartment for more than a few minutes at a time since 12/23 due to #perlite dust #contamination which is similar to #fiberglass. Tara had to go to the #er for breathing problems and severe pain that night and we've been in hotels and hostels ever since. #advice welcome. Should we stop paying #rent? #landlord won't clean it so we're having to pay out of pocket.
#perlite #contamination #fiberglass #er #advice #rent #landlord
Zolder opruimen: reclame #petten, uit grijs verleden: dateren sowieso van voor 2000.
Het Silenka vissershoedje is véel ouder, dat moet van voor 1991 zijn.
Kan ik er een verzamelaar blij mee maken?
#petten #ppg #silenka #westerbroek #fiberglass #glasvezel
Fiberglass Mesh For Stronger 3D Prints https://hackaday.com/2022/12/28/fiberglass-mesh-for-stronger-3d-prints/ #reinforced3dprinting #3dPrinterhacks #fiberglass #fibreglass #glassfibre
#reinforced3dprinting #3dPrinterhacks #fiberglass #fibreglass #glassfibre