Long Covid brain fog may be caused by blood clots, says study | The Independent
#LongCovid #BloodClots #brainfog #fibrinogen #ddimer #breathlessness #covid #Coronavirus
#LongCOVID: Zwei #Biomarker erklären Langzeitfolgen auf das #Gehirn (in Relation zum CRP-Wert)
#Fibrinogen: Ein Anstieg war mit objektiven und subjektiven kognitiven Störungen verbunden. Evtl. durch Mikrothromben und Entzündungen im Gehirn.
#DDimere: Ein Anstieg war nur mit subjektiven kognitiven Störungen verbunden. Evtl. durch beeinträchtigte Sauerstoffaufnahme durch Mikrothromben, assoziiert mit #Fatigue, v.a. bei längerer geistiger Anstrengung, wie am Arbeitsplatz.
#LongCovid #biomarker #Gehirn #fibrinogen #ddimere #fatigue
a large study of people hospitalized with #COVID19 early in the pandemic has identified two proteins involved in 🩸 clotting, #fibrinogen and #Ddimer, that are associated with cognitive deficits up to 1 year postinfection.
Acute blood biomarker profiles predict cognitive deficits 6 & 12 months after #COVID19 hospitalization
Prospective & separate retrospective studies
Revealed 2 distinct dimensions linking acute blood biomarkers & post-acute #cognitive deficits.” “findings regarding the first dimension of covariation might reflect a combination of hypercoagulable state & the direct effects of #fibrinogen on the brain”
#COVID19 #cognitive #fibrinogen #LongCovid #pwlc #PostCovid #covid #brainfog
Did you know that #hypothermia canadversely affect blood clotting? This is why it is very important to keep acute #trauma patients warm.
We'll post links to informative content wherever we find it, and in this case that happens to be #linkedin
The First Clot Is The Best Clot by Safeguard Medical.
#tranexamicacid #lacticacid #fibrinogen #ATC #acidaemia #mortality #medic #emergency
#hypothermia #trauma #linkedin #tranexamicacid #lacticacid #fibrinogen #atc #acidaemia #mortality #medic #emergency