Wmson · @Sfwmson
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This is a woman who lived in our town as a child, when her disease was discovered. An amazing person. If you search, her story has been told a few times in broadcast TV and other places:

April is FOP Awareness Month, with our official FOP Awareness Day on April 23rd! This day marks the 17th anniversary of the announcement of the FOP gene discovery (April 23, 2006). I’m planning to share more of my story, my current daily life since becoming bed bound in 2019, and what it was like growing up with a rare disease.
This photo was taken by my wonderful dad on my favorite trip to San Diego, California in March 2018. The quote is from one of my favorite books (that I highly recommend), Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom: “…this disease is knocking at my spirit. But it will not get my spirit. It’ll get my body. It will not get my spirit.” -Morrie Schwartz

#fop #fopawareness #onespirittwoskeletons #fibrodysplasiaossificansprogressiva

Last updated 2 years ago

In (FOP), muscles and connective tissues (e.g. tendons and ligaments) slowly turn into bone. @STOPFOPEU@twitter.com is testing whether cancer drug saracatinib could also treat FOP.

#fibrodysplasiaossificansprogressiva #rarediseaseday #rarediseases

Last updated 2 years ago