Full text just released for this from Spain:
Increased gut permeability & bacterial translocation are associated with #fibromyalgia and #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis / #ChronicFatigueSyndrome: implications for disease-related biomarker discovery
#MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE @fibromyalgia #Fibrositis #Fibro #FMS #FM
#fibromyalgia #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm
"Wexford woman on a lifetime of chronic pain–‘if I ever get bed-ridden again I’m going to end my life’"
Yvonne tragically spent 7 years bedbound with ME. This gets across the difficult life she has had due to ME & #Fibromyalgia
Shared with journalist's permission
We had difficulty getting an interviewee: thanks to Yvonne for stepping forward 👍
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME #MyalgicE #Fibromyalgia #Fibrositis #Fibro #FMS #FM @fibromyalgia
#fibromyalgia #myalgicencephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #myalgice #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm
En français:
Alain Moreau:
La signature biologique laissée dans l’organisme par la fibromyalgie (le 12 mai)
#fibromyalgie #Fibromyalgia #Fibrositis #Fibro #FMS #FM @fibromyalgia
#fibromyalgie #fibromyalgia #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm
Ruling from Spain:
"Judge admits disability due to fibromyalgia, which Social Security rejected"
#fibromyalgia #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm
Sinéad O'Connor obituary
In 2003 she announced "she was retiring from music. Both her mental and physical health were suffering, Diagnosed with bipolar disorder, she was also battling the painful condition of #fibromyalgia."
#fibromyalgia #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm
New from Younger group (in USA):
Evidence of neuroinflammation in fibromyalgia syndrome: a [18F]DPA-714 positron emission tomography study
"We found increased binding of the translocator protein radioligand [18F]DPA-714 in several brain regions in fibromyalgia patients compared with healthy controls."
#fibromyalgia #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm
This piece explains it in a way that might be easier to understand:
"Mouse Study Reveals An Immune Cell That May Cause #Fibromyalgia"
#fibromyalgia #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm
UK #Fibro study:
Neutrophils infiltrate sensory ganglia and mediate chronic widespread pain in #fibromyalgia
"Neutrophil depletion abolishes the establishment of chronic widespread pain in mice"
"Our observations suggest approaches for targeting fibromyalgia pain via mechanisms that cause altered neutrophil activity and interactions with sensory neurons."
#Fibrositis #FMS #FM @fibromyalgia
#fibro #fibromyalgia #fibrositis #fms #fm
“The Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust has granted £1,699,572 to fund the project 'Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Insights for #Fibromyalgia'.”
Great to see this promising research is being continued with a substantial grant
#Fibro #FM #FMS #Fibrositis @fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiasucks #Fibromialgia #fibrofun #fibrohell #fibroflare
#fibromyalgia #fibro #fm #fms #fibrositis #fibromyalgiasucks #Fibromialgia #fibrofun #fibrohell #fibroflare
Tuesday, April 11: Free, professionally-facilitated online support group
3 PM ET/8 PM in GB & Ireland
Find the time in your time zone here https://www.timeanddate.com/worldcl...ine+support+group&iso=20230411T13&p1=220&ah=1
Topic: Working with #brainfog & cognitive processing
#MEcfs #CFS #PwME #LongCovid #PwLC @longcovid @mecfs #Fibromyalgia #Fibrositis #Fibro #FMS #FM
#brainfog #mecfs #cfs #pwme #LongCovid #pwLC #fibromyalgia #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm
From August 2022
From: National Health Executive
A (UK) survey has revealed a need for better #fibromyalgia services across the #NHS, with the study revealing 3 main themes:
• Troublesome labels
• Heavy burdens
• A low priority
Find out more below
Dr Shepherd of the UK ME Association is quoted
@fibromyalgia #Fibrositis #Fibro #FMS #FM #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
#fibromyalgia #nhs #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme
I'm no expert on fibromyalgia but this seems a useful article
Importantly it highlights "For people with ME/CFS, symptoms of Fibromyalgia are likely to worsen during post-exertional malaise (PEM), and pacing may reduce FM symptoms, including pain, sleep disturbance, cognitive problems and fatigue."
#Fibromyalgia #Fibrositis #Fibro #FMS #FM #ChronicPain #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME
#fibromyalgia #fibrositis #fibro #fms #fm #chronicpain #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #pwme
Healthwatch Sheffield &
Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group, worked on a project to help improve health & social care provision for people with ME/CFS & #fibromyalgia in Sheffield.
The focus was to identify barriers to accessing appropriate care, and find solutions
https://www.sheffieldmegroup.co.uk/post/speakup-the-results #CFS
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #PwME #ME #MyE #MEeps #CFSME #CFIDS #SEID #NeuroME @mecfs #Fibro #fibrositis
#fibromyalgia #cfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #myalgice #pwme #me #mye #meeps #cfsme #cfids #seid #NeuroME #fibro #fibrositis