I don’t like Bloody Mary’s. Only mentioning because at a restaurant earlier today I had to remind myself of this and not order one despite it sounding good.
The concept of them sounds good to me yet when I do get one it’s just “meh.”
I’m #fickle i guess
#fickle #bloodymary #cocktail #meh
Back in the early 2000's I got a Kodak KE60 film camera whilst in Australia. Never sold them in the UK. I hated it's severe vignetting despite the Ektar glass lens elements and quick loading mechanism.
Got rid of it quite quickly.
Now, of course I'd quite like one again for its daft analogue quirkiness.
#fickle #fashion #photography #Kodak #film #retro #lomo #NeverThrowAnythingAway
#fickle #fashion #photography #kodak #film #retro #lomo #neverthrowanythingaway
He unblocked them, the journalists, or most of them 🙄after yet another unscientific poll of his followers #fickle #elonmusk #twitter #twittermigration #SpaceKaren
#fickle #elonmusk #twitter #twittermigration #spacekaren
What are YOU reading?
We're reading the sweetly illustrated but socially dated _Minn of the Mississippi_ by Holling C. Holling, _Shoggoths in Traffic and Other Stories_ by Tobias S. Buckell, a couple Tarot guidebooks, _The Panic Virus_ by Seth Mnookin, mountain of backlogged NYT and magazines, and I forget what else. #Fickle #housewife #books #ItsNotHoardingIfItsBooks
#itsnothoardingifitsbooks #Books #housewife #fickle #whatareyoureading
Gave mam a proper dressing down for not keeping our schedule. As she deserves, I’m going to ignore her until I’m hungry~Tess xxx #fickle