Train wreck
When the trailing portion of a large dress is significantly damaged by being stepped on or caught on something.
The act of being a cool cat.
Method of jumping a small amount and making it look cool.
Slang term for the fusion of Country and Pop styles of music intended to attract new fans to the Country genre. The term bears a phonic resemblance to a popular adult shop treat, much to the consternation of the creators of both products.
One who butts others. Counterintuitively, they often use their heads for this action. The championship for butting is called the ButterCup. One defeated in a contest of butters is called "toast".
One addicted to felines. One catholic support group has evolved into the well-known Catholic Church. The effective methods of treatment for this addiction have been adapted to other addictions, leading to a religious component in many other support groups.
Mechanically inclined
To be elevated to an angle from level greater than 0° but less than 90° by mechanical means.
A computer virus designed to hobble an affected computer's power management systems, considered analogous to the "legs" upon which a computer "stands". Specialized versions for ambulatory robots exist which target legs or wheels used for movement.
Pipe wench
Misogynistic term for a feminine plumber. Despite its implications, many feminine plumbers use this term with pride.
To reassemble someone after they've been taken apart. Well-known rememberers from popular literature and cinematic productions include Dr Victor Frankenstein and the Christian deity.
Formal attire for people with urinary incontinence.
The sort of activities and accouterments usually associated with ladies.
When one tries to make a sick burn and totally fails.
Glaring error
An irritated look given to another mistakenly, or the kind of mistake that typically results in irritated looks from others.
To use an excessively large and powerful fan to air out a very small space.
Device used to measure exposure to Speedo products over time. Often seen at swim competitions.
To attack with a counter. Because counters make excellent shields, attacks with them are often from defensive positions, leading to most return attacks also being termed counterattacks.
Wreckless driving
To operate a vehicle in a manner which violates rules put in place for safety but does not result in an accident.
Not to be confused with reckless driving, which is what it becomes when you have an accident while attempting to drive wrecklessly.
Hash Tag
A game of tag where participants are required to smoke hashish prior to playing.
#fictionary #badpuns #puns #hashtag
A predisposition to making promises in the forms of oaths, vows, and other verbal agreements.