Here's another link with useful video and printable worksheets about the 3-9-27 structuring method:
On the flipside, one tool to really boost the brainstorming and creative side of plotting is a book called The Ten-Day Outline, by Lewis Jorstad.
He really respects the need for fun, sensory inspiration, and randomness, and has patience for writers that really struggle to summarize (like me).
#amwriting #writingcommunity #fictionplot
I haven't really tried the Snowflake Method (which the article author invented) because I don't usually start with a premise that can be fractally grown, so much as an already-hatched goblin of a vague world and MC.
But I have used the Method to organize and expand on whatever ideas I had already surfaced for several stories, including my main scifi project.
#amwriting #witingcommunity #fiction #fictionplot