Millä tavoin kuvitteelliset hahmot, henkilöt ja paikat ovat olemassa, jos ovat?
Kysymys lienee joskus herännyt sellaisten kanssa työskentelevien tai viihtyvien mielessä. Fiktiivisten entiteettien metafysiikkaa ja ontologiaa käsittelee uusittu Fred Koonin ja Alberto Voltolinin SEP-entry,
Oma kuvittelukykyni on jo niin vaurioitunut, että jätän tuon tiedoksi virkeämmille.
#fiction #fictive #fictional #philosophy #filosofia #metaphysics #sep
#sep #metaphysics #filosofia #philosophy #fictional #fictive #fiction
Some high level details about #fictive on our product landing page here:
Some interesting classic fantasy and scifi texts in public domain here. I’ve been thinking about extracting some more structured corpora for #fictive editor, instead of doing the whole LLM autocomplete blah, creating smaller, more constrained things like thesauri, verb and adjective lists, etc, descriptive vocab word lists, etc.
tags: #stampycat #stampyslovelyworld #autism #autismspectrum #art #fictive
#stampycat #stampyslovelyworld #autism #Autismspectrum #art #fictive
It’s been more difficult than I had anticipated to decide on an icon style for #fictive
I still need icon guidelines even when using 3rd party icons as there are quite a few places where I will need to consider drawing custom glyphs.
It has been the editor toolbar that has given me the most grief—bold, italic, underscore, strike, emphasis, strong, ol, ul, h1, etc
Now with landing page and interim brand identity #fictive
A bit more copywriting for the #fictive landing page. Not 100% certain this is the best way to explain things, but we need to start somewhere.
#fictive prototype grammar editor. Watching beginners to gamedev struggle to edit these grammars in JSON really challenged my thinking on UI feedback loops. With autocomplete helpers, it should be possible to eliminate a lot of the common syntax errors, as well as run previews at any level of the tree.
#fictive landing page first draft. The copywriting needs work and at some point we will need to tell an actual story about the product, but hopefully something extremely simple will be adequate for now.
#fictive landing page structure coming together. I thought it would be fun to share before the call to action styling and colour themes go in. Things really do start this simple.