congrats to all the fictophiles this fictophilia pride day of para pride month!!!! you sure are amazing and incredible and your love for those others cannot understand is beautiful and real.
#parapride #parapridemonth #fictophilia #positivity
#parapride #parapridemonth #fictophilia #positivity
Fighting an obsession...WITH THIS GUY! (It wasn't a big shock though... RICKY CARUSO IS PLAYED BY THE SAME ACTOR AS ALEX, and Nick's face in both shows is nice to look at! 🥰)
Not really a "ficto-polyam" person, but oh, Caruso's pretty! #fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric
#fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric
How would being attracted to a fictional ADULT character (like I am) land one on a sex offender registry? That would only make sense if it were a fictional CHILD! Therefore making this person (unknowingly) one of the ficto-CLUELESS (I use this phrase, not "phobic") #fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia
#fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia
Considering starting a blog titled "Being Ficto Sucks" (similar to the classic "Why Wiccans Suck"site; which being neopagan, maked sense)
There are FAR TOO MANY falsehoods and stereotypes involving our label and I'm sick of them all! #fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric
#fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric
An old flag I made for fictozoophilia 🐾 :zooflag:
#zoophilia #fictozoophilia #fictophilia #flags #paraphiliaflags
#zoophilia #fictozoophilia #fictophilia #flags #paraphiliaflags