Fighting an obsession...WITH THIS GUY! (It wasn't a big shock though... RICKY CARUSO IS PLAYED BY THE SAME ACTOR AS ALEX, and Nick's face in both shows is nice to look at! πŸ₯°)
Not really a "ficto-polyam" person, but oh, Caruso's pretty!

#fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric

Last updated 2 years ago

How would being attracted to a fictional ADULT character (like I am) land one on a sex offender registry? That would only make sense if it were a fictional CHILD! Therefore making this person (unknowingly) one of the ficto-CLUELESS (I use this phrase, not "phobic")

#fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia

Last updated 2 years ago

Considering starting a blog titled "Being Ficto Sucks" (similar to the classic "Why Wiccans Suck"site; which being neopagan, maked sense)
There are FAR TOO MANY falsehoods and stereotypes involving our label and I'm sick of them all!

#fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric

Last updated 2 years ago

Main: hotarusobotka
Side blog for the naughty thoughts 'bout Alex Krycek: horny-alex-krycek-fan

#tumblr #fictosexual #fictoromantic #thexfiles

Last updated 2 years ago

Me: But he's not...
"Don't care, dumb weeb"

#fictosexual #fictoromantic

Last updated 2 years ago

What's on my mind? Why, Alex Krycek of course! πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ˜πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜
"The End" was on tonight, and after an epi with him in it is when I want him the most!

#fictosexual #fictoromantic #thexfiles

Last updated 2 years ago