Realizing that I don't actually know how to filter out IRL porn from furry porn and that cartoon furry bare ass hits very different than a photo of straight up IRL bare ass
I have Alex as my phone bg. Even though I'm not on it obessively while I'm out, sometimes you gotta look at that face...
#fictosexual #xfiles
I learn about a new thing #fictosexual and share my love of #hyperx products.
#Japan #news #podcast #crime #news
#crime #Podcast #News #Japan #hyperx #fictosexual
#BiHeteroflexible #Bi_Heteroflexible #Fictosexual #Sapphic #Sapphist #Catgender #Catgirl #AgeRegression #Age_Regression #バイヘテロフレキシブル #フィクトセクシュアル #サフィク #サフィスト #キャットジェンダー #猫娘 #猫の女の子 #年齢回帰
#年齢回帰 #猫の女の子 #猫娘 #キャットジェンダー #サフィスト #サフィク #フィクトセクシュアル #バイヘテロフレキシブル #age_regression #ageregression #catgirl #catgender #Sapphist #sapphic #fictosexual #Bi_Heteroflexible #BiHeteroflexible
This is my Flag~★! ([> |])
#BiHetero #Bi_Hetero #Fictosexual #Sapphic #Sapphist #Catgender #Catgirl #AgeRegression #Age_Regression #バイ異性の #フィクトセクシュアル #サフィク #サフィスト #キャットジェンダー #猫娘 #猫の女の子 #年齢回帰
#年齢回帰 #猫の女の子 #猫娘 #キャットジェンダー #サフィスト #サフィク #フィクトセクシュアル #バイ異性の #age_regression #ageregression #catgirl #catgender #Sapphist #sapphic #fictosexual #Bi_Hetero #BiHetero
How do I get people to understand that #FictoIsNOTAspecExclusive already. FictoALLO people do exsist! Tired of sterotyping! #fictosexual
#fictoisnotaspecexclusive #fictosexual
I simultanously both want and DON'T want to have this Caruso obsession, but he's just too darn pretty!
Fighting an obsession...WITH THIS GUY! (It wasn't a big shock though... RICKY CARUSO IS PLAYED BY THE SAME ACTOR AS ALEX, and Nick's face in both shows is nice to look at! 🥰)
Not really a "ficto-polyam" person, but oh, Caruso's pretty! #fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric
#fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric
How would being attracted to a fictional ADULT character (like I am) land one on a sex offender registry? That would only make sense if it were a fictional CHILD! Therefore making this person (unknowingly) one of the ficto-CLUELESS (I use this phrase, not "phobic") #fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia
#fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia
Considering starting a blog titled "Being Ficto Sucks" (similar to the classic "Why Wiccans Suck"site; which being neopagan, maked sense)
There are FAR TOO MANY falsehoods and stereotypes involving our label and I'm sick of them all! #fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric
#fictosexual #fictoromantic #fictophilia #fictamoric
Main: hotarusobotka
Side blog for the naughty thoughts 'bout Alex Krycek: horny-alex-krycek-fan
#fictosexual #fictoromantic #thexfiles
#tumblr #fictosexual #fictoromantic #thexfiles
Me: But he's not...
"Don't care, dumb weeb"
#fictosexual #fictoromantic
Some common misconceptions I get when saying I'm #fictosexual
-"STOP LOVING ANIME CHARACTERS!"- Alex Krycek is not one, don't assume we all are animachara shippers. As this is usually the first thing ficto-clueless people assume, double annoying!
-We're all aspec: I'm aromantic, but when it comes to Alex... IT'S ALL ALLOSEXUAL and the aromantic label does not apply.
- "Cannot form relats with real people": I have, and feel attracted to some of them.
Just the 3 most common stereotypes here 🙂
What's on my mind? Why, Alex Krycek of course! 💚💜😍🥰😘
"The End" was on tonight, and after an epi with him in it is when I want him the most! #fictosexual #fictoromantic #thexfiles
#fictosexual #fictoromantic #thexfiles
I'm Sini, ae/aer 22, FI EN :ace_heart: Fictosexual <3
I mainly yell about fictional boys and how they make me feel aka my F/Os, #ocs #RP #drawing and #writing occasionally.
Multifandom: #ensemblestars #danganronpa #homestuck #obeyme #mysticmessenger #dnd #epic7 #pokemon I like so many other things, so just,,, please be my friend, Please interact with me!!
#fictosexual #fictiveother #otherkin #xenogender #lgbtq #proship stuff is important for me so heads up! <3 No matter which mastodon server you hangout in lololol
Main trigger warnings for my content:
= Selfharm, violence, gore, unhealthy relationships/coping styles, non-con/rape themes and mentions, large age gaps, loli/shota/lolisho
TY for interacting!!
#ocs #rp #drawing #writing #ensemblestars #danganronpa #homestuck #obeyme #mysticmessenger #dnd #epic7 #pokemon #fictosexual #fictiveother #otherkin #xenogender #lgbtq #proship
Mr. Tumnus as portrayed by James McAvoy is sex on (unguligrade) legs. (I learned a new word today. #vocabulary)
Anyone else have #unexpectedattractions to share? #fictosexual
Another of mine is David Bennent as Gump in Legend. He looked very young, yes, but WAS legal age (and I was 4 when that movie came out anyway, ha), and there was something hypnotic about his wise voice and preternatural poise.
#vocabulary #unexpectedattractions #fictosexual
played on tocaboca last nite and made sum faedinger stuff!! heheh we r traveling n then had dinner :3 #fictosexual #selfship :pride_heart:
Please interact with me / fandom stuff: #ensemblestars #danganronpa #homestuck #obeyme #mysticmessenger #dnd #epic7 #pokemon I like so many other things, so just,,, please be my friend :adore:
#fictosexual #fictiveother #otherkin #xenogender #lgbtq #proship stuff is important for me so heads up! <3 No matter which mastodon server you hangout in lololol
#ensemblestars #danganronpa #homestuck #obeyme #mysticmessenger #dnd #epic7 #pokemon #fictosexual #fictiveother #otherkin #xenogender #lgbtq #proship