(Listen, omegaverse aka a/b/o is an adventure in phrasing every time. I keep reading it for the gems I do find amongst the unfortunate phrasing to downright badfic lmfao.) #fictweeting
(I even edited it in putting here so it was Less Offensive and still it is No.) #fictweeting
Pls stop giving sentience to cells. They may be the biggest cells in a human body but they're not sentient STOP IT SKBFJSBEJS #fictweeting
.... also good gxd I have never wanted to be hyperaware of my ovum; aware of ovulation is Quite Enough, thanks.
Aware of ovum to the point "it feels like they're vibrating [...], ready to be fertilized"? Aaaaaand that's a nope, that's a nope on gender AND body horror nope nope nope #fictweeting
*-eyes fic-* someone has played the Diablo franchise and had naughty thoughts a few dozen times.... #fictweeting
This is very obvious ESL writing so I am just kicking my brain to be nicer about the quality because gxd knows English is a cesspit to learn. (There's so much we native speakers just ... osmose about it. Trying to learn it from scratch probably feels like such a daunting task so like shoutout to ESL folk, y'all are braver than the US Marines.) #fictweeting
*eyes fic* do you have ANY concept of the size difference between deer and moose? Because a moose centaur mounting a deer centaur sure sounds like it ends badly for the poor deer. #fictweeting #nsfw
Er, sorry. No idk why I'm still awake either. 🤷🏻 #fictweeting
In case anyone wondered, no, not having a cervix anymore doesn't make cervix-fucking more appealing. Especially not violent and intentionally painful...
(I mean I'm not remotely healed enough to be into Anything, my aftercare papers say no sex for 6 weeks (minimum) but like. Fic exists.) #fictweeting #omegaverse
.... I just misread quinoa as koala, and lemme tell you that REALLY changes the sentence. 🤣 #fictweeting
Tfw the author writes "bopping" instead of "bobbing" during a blowjob and the mood is broken for me because my brain is making Bop It noises. 😅🤣🤣🤣🤣 #fictweeting #nsfw
"their fleshly act" .... I'm. Why. Why would you call sex this. THIS IS A SMUT FIC JUST jwfbsibdjdbf #fictweeting #nsfw
Stop describing French kissing in the least sexy ways. Who wants their teeth to gnash together??? #fictweeting
Ohhh his big *brain* hmmmm? *wiggles eyebrows suggestively* is that what we're calling it now, tags? #fictweeting
"moistened center" ... literally please just say pussy. Or cunt. Or vagina. Just not this. #fictweeting #nsfw
(Mind you I am now absolutely hung up on the thought of them both getting off on Katsuki being being called "mommy" while he fucking rails Izuku. Maybe with even more fun gender fuckery idk. I just want this to exist now.) #bnha #fictweeting
Psst. Hey, #bnha fic writers. C'mere.
Gently, but earnestly: the nickname is Kacchan.
If you're having Izuku call him Kaachan then you're having him call him "mommy". Consider the context and the rating of your fic, maybe. #fictweeting
...there's something very wrong about Endeavor saying the phrase "manly men". Also, now I can't get #BnHA parodizes #RobinHoodMeninTights out of my head and I don't think I needed that. 😅 #fictweeting
#bnha #robinhoodmenintights #fictweeting
It occurs to me I don't do enough screaming about fandom over here for being on a fandom server. 👀 y'all want me to bring my #fictweeting over here? Sometimes I'm funny. Sometimes I'm reading...dubious quality at best. 😂
You ever just be reading smut fic and the author's choice of phrasing leaps out and reminds you that you are both very autistic and probably very demisexual? Because yeah. Same. #fictweeting