2. kolo finále světového poháru v šachu.
#šachy #FIDE #Carlsen #Praggnanandhaa
#sachy #fide #carlsen #praggnanandhaa
Praggnanandhaa (18) a Magnus Carlsen (32) vo finále Svetového pohára #FIDE 2023
@Emily I'm pretty shure they also talked to some lawyers and found out that complying with such #discrimimation as pushed forward by #Russia|n-led #FIDE would literally be a #felony in #Germany and other juristictions.
I really hope @antidiskriminierung will literally go after [not just sports] associations that do #transmisogyny or general [not just anti-#trans] discrimination!
#TransRightsAreHumanRights and thus precondition to any "#negotiations"!!!
#LinkToSource plz...
#linktosource #negotiations #transrightsarehumanrights #Trans #transmisogyny #Germany #felony #fide #Russia #discrimimation
The first question that comes into my mind is, why does gender even matter when it comes to a game like chess?
So apparently #FIDE as provided a reason for why trans women are banned from playing in womens tournaments, citing factors such as "physical endurance"...
You literally sit on a chair for some hours while moving a light wooden piece every minute or so. I- What?
Imagine sitting down to play #Chess and you *don't* have a 2 year report on your opponent's genetalia. What if I go to mate a woman but then she jumps up, whips out a giant cock and says "Not so fast buster, it is I who will mate you!" and now according to the rules of the game I have to bottom for her. I didn't sign up for that. Like, do I still call her afterwards or do I wait for her to call me? Is it all texts these days? I just wanted to play a boardgame and now I'm all stressed out.
note to #fide : off the chessboard, the pieces you think are kings *can* move like queens. you cannot dictate rules there.
what next? would you mandate all church personnel must walk diagonally at all times? or that all derbies must have horses taking a dog-leg every third step?
grow up, please.
Transkvinnor förbjuds i princip av #FIDE att delta i kvinnoklassiker i officiella schacktävlingar. Inte överraskande med tanke på hur den organisationen styrs.
Samtidigt sätter det fokus på frågan hur det kommer sig att kvinnor inte i högre utsträckning är jämlika med män inom schack. #chess
@accretionist @OrionKidder @BigEatie @beatnikprof
No; there is no international "mens league". There is only the Open section (open for everyone) and the Womens section.
It's a common misunderstanding that because there's womens only chess, there has to be mens only chess (one that I'm seeing a lot on fedi from non-chess players right now). There's no rule that states this. It's just that it's such a mens dominated sport that it often looks like it on the highest level.
"Bad move" of the International Chess Federation:
"Transgender women banned from women's chess events."
I am disappointed by FIDE's announcement that it's a transphobic organization that hates trans people and thinks they're "lesser than" cis people (not how they phrased it, but totally what they meant), but I'm not exactly *surprised* by it.
Organizations that skew so heavily toward male-only membership have a habit of becoming regressive in other ways. (Cf. the "New Atheist" movement, video gaming, and many others.)
The world's top #chess federation has ruled that #transgender #women cannot compete in its official events for females until an assessment of #gender change is made by its officials.
The decision by #Switzerland-based federation #FIDE, which was published on Monday, has drawn criticism from advocacy groups and supporters of #TransgenderRights.
#chess #transgender #women #gender #switzerland #fide #transgenderrights #humanrights
The #FIDE ban on #trans women in women's #chess tournaments gets worse the more you read it. Not only are trans women banned from the women's game, but they've also told trans men that any titles won in the women's game from pre-transition will be rescinded, unless they detransition. They can't pretend it's about protecting the integrity of the game or whatever nonsense, when the only internally consistent thing about the ruling is that it's anti-trans in every way, and is deliberately cruel
The policy of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) strikes me as triply offensive: (a) transphobic, (b) sexist to female chess players, and (c) simply an insult to everybody's intelligence.
#fide #chess #transphobia #sexism
I have a confession... the #FIDE ban on trans girls in women's #chess is my fault.
I mated every single player over the board at my last women-only tournament. I thought I would win for sure, but the arbiter said that I was supposed to be playing chess instead, and they banned me.
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: International Chess Federation Suggests Trans Women Are a Threat to the Game https://jezebel.com/international-chess-federation-suggests-trans-women-are-1850744558 #Jezebel #worldyouthchesschampions #yoshaiglesias #chesstitles #chesstitle #chess #fide
#jezebel #worldyouthchesschampions #yoshaiglesias #chesstitles #chesstitle #chess #fide
X-Decor-libre version “libre5” is out! ♟️🎉♟️🎉♟️🎉♟️🎉
The Chess game that used to exist in the original xdecor has returned and works again and is actually a MUCH improved version, adding support for many of the missing Chess rules (using the #FIDE Laws of Chess) and fixing a ton of bugs everywhere. This was badly needed because not even en passant was supported before.
Full release announcement here: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=28891&p=427068
#fide #minetest #chess #gamedev #gaming #boardgames