If we put explicit #fideism (faith) and #dogmatism to one side - pretty much everyone bases their beliefs on some sort of "evidence and reasoning".
But we need the courage to consider whether we're applying *good* evidence and reasoning.
Not just when it suits us, either!
#SisterWendy on love as an obedient art #reaction to The Mystery of Love: Saints in Art through the Centuries (London: HarperCollins, 1996) #ISBN0551030121 It is no #mystery at all. #obedience #fideism https://whyweshould.substack.com/p/sister-wendy-on-love-as-an-obedient?sd=pf
#SisterWendy #reaction #isbn0551030121 #mystery #obedience #fideism
Flowcharting faith-based faith versus faith-obeying-reason mapping Christian byways of #worldbuilding #faithbased #faith #fideism #obedience https://whyweshould.substack.com/p/flowcharting-faith-based-faith-versus?sd=pf
#worldbuilding #faithbased #faith #fideism #obedience
Arnold Lunn's use of #Fideism #mindthegap https://whyweshould.substack.com/p/fideism-reason-and-the-gap-that-is?sd=pf #pyrrhonism #catholicchurch #scientism
#scientism #catholicchurch #pyrrhonism #MindTheGAP #fideism
Arnold Lunn's use of #Fideism #mindthegap https://whyweshould.substack.com/p/fideism-reason-and-the-gap-that-is?sd=pf #pyrrhonism #catholicchurch #scientism
#fideism #mindthegap #pyrrhonism #catholicchurch #scientism