#Ding desperately needs a another win. Like, today.
#ding #chess #fideworldchampionship
Да, хочется, чтобы победил Непомнящий, но то, какая поддержка у Дина в лице его мамы и Раппорта – это многого стоит. #шахматы #fideworldchampionship
#fideworldchampionship #шахматы
♟️ Well, at least #FIDE have changed the online chessboard of the #FIDEWorldChampionship streaming for the better. The first two games featured an ugly, barely readable one. This one is more like what we're used to on platforms such as @lichess.
It took someone of the calibre of Susan Polgar to complain about the chessboard yesterday on the birdsite for this to change, but it looks like it was worth it.
#FIDE #fideworldchampionship #chess
#Nepo is doing preparation work for the upcoming #FIDEWorldChampionship match against #Ding. Specifically, he's working on his newest innovation: the Phonography Opening. ♟️
#nepo #fideworldchampionship #ding #chess #nepoding #microphones #sillyiknow #shitposting