RT @AlmaTostmann@twitter.com
inspiration & being surrounded with friends of the valuable @EANBoard@twitter.com network
✨Celebrating #EPIET25 @ECDC_EU@twitter.com today with engaging conversations with the founders of this precious network 🦠📊🔎
#PublicHealth #FieldEpidemiology
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlmaTostmann/status/1596451399680020480
#epiet25 #publichealth #fieldepidemiology
Hey #PhDstudent and #postdoc trainees! we have a PostDoc opening on my Texas based team to work on our multidisciplinary Central America projects. Come join the fun!
#globalhealth #saludpublica #fieldepidemiology #epidemiologyjobs #epidemiology #tropicaldiseases
#phdstudent #postdoc #globalhealth #saludpublica #fieldepidemiology #epidemiologyjobs #epidemiology #tropicaldiseases
Hi! 👋I'm an #epidemiologist specializing in infectious & tropical diseases, #outbreaks , rapid epidemiologic response & analysis for #epidemics.
#globalhealth #outbreak #parasitology #antibioticresistance #toxicology #ckdu #publichealth #saludpública #zoonóticas #fieldepidemiology
#pandemic #epidemia #tropmed #infectious #tropicaldiseases #epidemiology #zoonoticdiseases #zoonoses #NTDs
#infectiousdisease #virology #covid #influenza #onehealth #epiverse #epitwitter #academia
#epidemiologist #outbreaks #epidemics #globalhealth #outbreak #parasitology #antibioticresistance #toxicology #ckdu #publichealth #saludpublica #zoonoticas #fieldepidemiology #pandemic #epidemia #tropmed #infectious #tropicaldiseases #epidemiology #zoonoticdiseases #zoonoses #NTDs #infectiousdisease #virology #covid #influenza #onehealth #epiverse #epitwitter #academia
A quick #Introduction
I’m Keeley Allen and I’m a #fieldepidemiology trainee in Australia through the #MAE program. I love communicable disease #epidemiology and #surveillance, and particularly interested in #STI and #BBV conditions and #arboviruses. I’m interested in all things #PublicHealth and #SpatialScience and #maps.
Keen to be part of the #EpiVerse!
#epiverse #maps #spatialscience #publichealth #arboviruses #BBV #STI #surveillance #epidemiology #MAE #fieldepidemiology #introduction
RT @SoniaBoender: Want to become a #DiseaseDetective?
This is your last week to apply for #FieldEpidemiology or #PublicHealthMicrobiology training with @ECDCPHT! 🚨
#DiseaseDetective #fieldepidemiology #PublicHealthMicrobiology #EPIET #EUPHEM #epitwitter
RT @ECDCPHT: The 2-week `Introductory Course` is now over.
The new C5 #MediPIET fellows have learned about #fieldepidemiology, #publichealth #microbiology, risk assessment and #outbreakinvestigations: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/news-events/medipiet-cohort-5-introductory-course
#MediPIET #fieldepidemiology #publichealth #microbiology #outbreakinvestigations #SoMe4epi #EPIET #EUPHEM