Shallow-marine strata of the Upper Cretaceous Dorotea Formation (southern Chile). It's difficult to get a sense of scale here, but note the trees below the cliff face off in the distance.
This photo from 2006, when we hiked up there to sample sandstone for detrital zircon geochronology.
Gorgeous field site in Iceland where we sampled veins of calcite, prehnite, epidote, chlorite, and zeolites to study hydrothermal alteration of basaltic rocks as an analog for Mars.
#mars #iceland #fieldphotofriday #fieldworkfriday
Found this photo while cleaning my office. Me sampling Eau Claire Fm sandstone circa 1992. Perfect for #FieldworkFriday #FieldPhotoFriday and #ThrowbackThursday.
#throwbackthursday #fieldphotofriday #fieldworkfriday
Going way back for today’s #FieldworkFriday. Here’s me and my eldest child doing field work downstream of Elliot Glacier on Mt. Hood, #Oregon. Our project focused on how #climatechange was affecting #streamflow from catchments with #glaciers. But a Debris Flow made a mess of one our sites! Rain on snow & ice sitting on unstable weathered volcanic rock produced pretty spectacular #geomorphology in action.
#hoodriver #mounthood #fieldphotofriday #geomorphology #glaciers #streamflow #climatechange #oregon #fieldworkfriday
By far the coolest field work I did this year was freeze coring an urban stream to collect sediments for micro plastic analysis. #wundergrad Annika Dudik has been in the lab this fall busily extracting and counting plastics, but here are some dramatic pics from our first core retrieval. #FieldPhotoFriday
I always felt drowned out by the Twitter algorithm so I’ll try my first #FieldPhotoFriday on here! Back in October I got to assist in some lake coring in the Adirondacks for my friend’s PhD project! We didn’t manage to see peak foliage, but camping next to lakes makes for an excellent morning view!
#adirondacks #lake #paleoclimate #NewYork
#fieldphotofriday #adirondacks #lake #paleoclimate #NewYork
For #FieldPhotoFriday, here I am at Kelsey Creek in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. This photo is from early March 2020, when I was working on a manuscript from a student’s MS thesis which included this site. One pandemic lab shutdown, a baby, & several new projects later, I’m not sure the paper will ever happen. But the #WaterQuality data the thesis contains has been useful to the city as they work to restore and protect their #UrbanStreams.
TLDR: pubs are not the only way to have an impact #academic
#academic #urbanstreams #waterquality #fieldphotofriday
@allochthonous also #FieldPhotoFriday and #FieldworkFriday are perennially used
#fieldworkfriday #fieldphotofriday