Though a goldmine for the curious botanist, Harewood Plains is also an area under threat — from damage caused by off-road dirt bikes, ATVs and tree poaching — in part because so little is still known about it.
#Nanaimo #vanisle #VancouverIsland #conservation #environmental #ecosystems #biodiversity #StopEcocide #ecology #ProtectBiodiversity #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #NorthCowichan #botany #PlantStudies #FieldStudies
#nanaimo #vanisle #vancouverisland #conservation #environmental #ecosystems #biodiversity #stopecocide #ecology #ProtectBiodiversity #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #northcowichan #botany #plantstudies #fieldstudies
I like this name 😋
I spent almost all day outdoor - a lot of yard work, a youth soccer game, fly fishing - especially fishing is like a field study 😉
So, finishing the day with this beer sounds appropriate 😊
#beer #flyfishing #ipa #outdoors #fieldstudies
If I were to again take notes and write down my field studies, like I did in university, I would definitely use #obsidian . I'm using it now to write down my personal stuff, but I don't even use half of it's possibilities. Linking files and blocks in other notes, canvas, etc look incredible! Definitely a tool that's helpful for #socialsciences #anthropology #fieldstudies
#obsidian #socialsciences #anthropology #fieldstudies
By way of #Introduction, I am an #Academic #Ornithologist, who uses #Genetic and #Genomic tools coupled with #FieldStudies to understand wild organisms. I work with both #Undergraduate and #Masters students to investigate varied questions about #Loons, #Chickadees, #WhireThroatedSparrows, #Giraffes, #Whales, and #Wildebeest. Hopeful to participate in a non-toxic virtual community of challenging but considerate folks. Cheers!
#introduction #academic #ornithologist #genetic #genomic #fieldstudies #undergraduate #masters #loons #chickadees #whirethroatedsparrows #giraffes #whales #wildebeest