Lavoratori in nero, controlli nel padovano per l’avvio della stagione estiva
Quindici dipendenti senza contratto scoperti in sei attività imprenditoriali. Previste sanzioni amministrative, sospese due attività
Illegal workers, controls in the province of Padua for the start of the summer season
#Fifteen employees without a contract discovered in six businesses. Administrative sanctions imposed, two activities suspended
26-5-2023 16:39 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino
🎶If we want to make a ripple that could turn into a wave. ♥️🎄 #ripplerippleripple
#BillySimpsoncanSING #WillFerrell
#Spirited #appletvplus
#Massachusetts #unionoysterhouse
I absolutely loved this movie. If you can't tell. Absolutely LOVE. ♥️🎄
#ripplerippleripple #turnthismotherout #ryanreynolds #billysimpsoncansing #willferrell #Spirited #appletvplus #massachusetts #unionoysterhouse #fifteen #nickelodeon #ifeelasongcomingon
🎶If we want to make a ripple that could turn into a wave. ♥️🎄 #ripplerippleripple
#BillySimpsoncanSING #WillFerrell
#Spirited #appletvplus
#Massachusetts #unionoysterhouse
I absolutely loved this movie. If you can't tell. Absolutely LOVE. ♥️🎄
#ripplerippleripple #turnthismotherout #ryanreynolds #billysimpsoncansing #willferrell #Spirited #appletvplus #massachusetts #unionoysterhouse #fifteen #nickelodeon #ifeelasongcomingon
Good morning #MastodonNZ
I hope the sun is shining and the birds are singing where you are.
During your day, remember to stop and have some water.
Smile, think of something positive that has happened today and take that forward, also, spend at least fifteen minutes on you. You deserve it!
#MastodonNZ #fifteen #PositiveYou
I posted these as replies but maybe i should put it out there in its own post. I keep my #BuJo pretty minimalistic and only use it has a mind dump so it gets pretty messy. My Positive mindset planner is where I keep track of my year, months and days. Reflection revolves around my goals and keeping me on track to hitting them. My Me Timer is my fifteen minutes of me, this is the do not disturb timer for others :) #PositiveYou #Mindset #Planner #Goals #Fifteen #FoutainPen
#bujo #PositiveYou #mindset #planner #goals #fifteen #foutainpen
A Londra, matrimonio tra le agenzie pubblicitarie: Next Fifteen compra Saatchi - Il Sole 24 ORE #londra #matrimonio #agenzie #pubblicitarie #next #fifteen #compra #saatchi #sole #21maggio
#21maggio #sole #Saatchi #compra #fifteen #next #pubblicitarie #agenzie #matrimonio #londra