Gizmodo: Get a Peek at Magic: The Gathering's New Doctor Who Set #magicthegatheringcommander #doctorwhocommanderdecks #regeneration #eighthdoctor #thirddoctor #tenthdoctor #fifthdoctor #firstdoctor #yasminkhan #doctorwho #timelords #themaster #companion #thedoctor #tyler #mark #deck
#magicthegatheringcommander #doctorwhocommanderdecks #regeneration #eighthdoctor #thirddoctor #tenthdoctor #fifthdoctor #firstdoctor #yasminkhan #doctorwho #timelords #themaster #companion #thedoctor #tyler #mark #deck
The three of them need to work out who is the artist at the end of time and what is the connection between the artist and the end of time.
A rather different Doctor Who adventure as the intriguing premise of this anniversary mini series is developed.
#doctorwho #drwho #bigfinish #bigfinishproductions #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinishaudio #fifthdoctor #peterdavison #jenny #georgiatennant #thecurator #colinbaker #jamesgoss #onceandfuture
#onceandfuture #jamesgoss #ColinBaker #TheCurator #GeorgiaTennant #jenny #peterdavison #fifthdoctor #bigfinishaudio #bigfinishdoctorwho #bigfinishproductions #BigFinish #drwho #doctorwho
I have never seen this before and it’s amazing.
#doctorwho #fifthdoctor #peterdavison
Still cannot believe this happened on Sunday 19th March the second day of Aberdeen Comic Con. Still on a high from getting my picture taken with the 5th, 6th, 7th 8th Doctor along with my sister. I'm on the left my sister is on the right.
#aberdeen #AberdeenComicCon #monopolyevents #pandjlive #doctorwho #fifthdoctor #sixthdoctor #seventhdoctor #eigthdoctor #whovian #aberdeenevents
#aberdeen #aberdeencomiccon #monopolyevents #pandjlive #doctorwho #fifthdoctor #sixthdoctor #seventhdoctor #eigthdoctor #whovian #aberdeenevents
#DoctorWho - The #FifthDoctor #Regenerates except the year is 2010
#DrWho #Who #Regeneration #5thDoctor #PeterDavison #ColinBaker #TARDIS #TheTARDIS #WhatIf #FanMade #FanProduction #FanFiction
#fanfiction #fanproduction #fanmade #whatif #TheTARDIS #tardis #colinbaker #peterdavison #5thdoctor #regeneration #who #drwho #regenerates #fifthdoctor #doctorwho
This Saturday edition of #DoctorWho Daily has some images of the #FifteenthDoctor and his companion’s new (main) outfits as well as a drabble challenge and fanfic featuring the Doctor and specifically the #FifthDoctor and #TeganJovanka:
#doctorwho #fifteenthdoctor #fifthdoctor #teganjovanka
A #FollowFriday to celebrate the arrival of my latest book #DoctorWho - The Black Archive #62: Kinda.
If you’re interested in this smorgasbord: #Buddhism
#TheMara …… then I think the book is for you!
I’ll be nattering about the book here too.
#followfriday #doctorwho #buddhism #jung #vietnamwar #counterculture #trickster #greenman #genesis #gilgamesh #JosephConrad #ursulakleguin #archetypes #imperialism #stadialtheory #tahiti #Gauguin #empirefilms #neuroscience #fifthdoctor #teganjovanka #themara
The timey-wimey shenanigans of the #FifthDoctor #Peri and #Erimem in another #BigFinish #DoctorWho audio with a totally different style to Son of the Dragon but still featuring a host of historical characters #KingRichardIII #Shakespeare #ThePrincesInTheTower
#fifthdoctor #Peri #Erimem #bigfinish #doctorwho #KingRichardIII #shakespeare #ThePrincesInTheTower
A revisit to my review of the #BigFinish audio Son of the Dragon
#DoctorWho #PeterDavison #NicolaBryant #CarolineMorris #Dracula #Peri #FifthDoctor #Erimem
#bigfinish #doctorwho #PeterDavison #NicolaBryant #CarolineMorris #dracula #Peri #fifthdoctor #Erimem
A revisit to my review of the #BigFinish audio Son of the Dragon
#DoctorWho #PeterDavison #NicolaBryant #CarolineMorris #Dracula #Peri #FifthDoctor #Erimem
#bigfinish #doctorwho #PeterDavison #NicolaBryant #CarolineMorris #dracula #Peri #fifthdoctor #Erimem
My illustration of the Fifth Doctor. This was part of the Fob Watch series I started a few years back — and is ongoing with the more Doctors we get.
(I need to do more pictures of Doctors Five and Seven, whom I've been neglecting compared to others. I need to brainstorm.)
#fifthdoctor #doctorwhofanart #peterdavison #doctorwho