It's #50s & #60s Music time on Radio Jammor
Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from #Scotland to the #UK, #US & #Canada
#music #fifties #sixties
#sixties #fifties #music #scottishindependence #canada #us #uk #scotland #60s #50s
It's #50s & #60s Music time on Radio Jammor
Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from #Scotland to the #UK, #US & #Canada
#music #fifties #sixties
#sixties #fifties #music #scottishindependence #canada #us #uk #scotland #60s #50s
It's #50s & #60s Music time on Radio Jammor
Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from #Scotland to the #UK, #US & #Canada
#music #fifties #sixties
#sixties #fifties #music #scottishindependence #canada #us #uk #scotland #60s #50s
It's #50s & #60s Music time on Radio Jammor
Radio Jammor is on the air...
Broadcasting from #Scotland to the #UK, #US & #Canada
#music #fifties #sixties
#sixties #fifties #music #scottishindependence #canada #us #uk #scotland #60s #50s
Musical Interlude: The Tempos were a vocal act from Pittsburgh who had some minor success in the 50s. A member wrote this on a Friday, they recorded it Saturday, and the single was available in stores on Monday! It reached #23 on the Billboard top 100 by the end of August, 1959. And it's an appropriate song for early Septamber.
"See You in September," performed by the Tempos.
#musicalinterlude #thetempos #september #doowop #fifties
You might run out of handkerchiefs listening to all that female drama in recent uploads so some R&R. #fifties #rock #music #muziek #entertainment
#entertainment #muziek #music #rock #fifties
How does this function in everyday reality. O sourpuss. #music #fifties #evergreen To much #drama for you ?
#drama #evergreen #fifties #music
How does this function in every day reality. O sourpuss. #music #fifties #evergreen To much for #drama for you ?
#drama #evergreen #fifties #music
There is The River again. The background vocals of these #fifties songs tearjerkers ? No R O M A N C E.
25 jaar
30 september 1942-27 februari 1968
Amerikaans zanger uit de beginjaren van de #Rocknroll.
Al op dertienjarige leeftijd werd hij beroemd als frontman van de band #FrankieLymonAndTheTeenagers een #Doowop groep, en één van de bekendste midden tot einde #fifties, met als bekendste hit #WhyDoFoolsFallInLove. Ze spelen zelfs in tal van films.
In 1957 taant het succes, mede door de stem van Frankie die zijn typerende #sopraan stem verloor.
#frankielymon #rocknroll #frankielymonandtheteenagers #doowop #fifties #whydofoolsfallinlove #sopraan #gonetoosoon