'Radicalization is real': #NeoNazi group gathers outside #DisneyWorld | NewsNation Prime
#FL #Florida #Nazis #NaziMarchInFlorida
#farright #extremedroite #whitenationalists
Who gave these fuckers a permit?
Wherr was our side? I haven't found that vid yet
#neonazi #disneyworld #fl #florida #nazis #nazimarchinflorida #farright #extremedroite #whitenationalists #fightback
It is my deeply held belief that failing to stand up against oppression is an act of passive-aggressive oppression engaged in by people who want to be oppressors but also want to be well thought of by the oppressed. #standup #fightback
we are in a #climateemergency! #renewableenergytransition by 2035! CUT 2022 $7 trillion in fossil fuel subsidies (IMF). Rich, greedy people are attacking the rest of us! #fightback. Dismantle #Oilandgas2035 #BigOilDidThis #BigOilBurnedThis #ClimateHomicide https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/commentary/article-canada-is-burning-so-why-is-our-national-pension-fund-still-heavily/
#climateemergency #RenewableEnergyTransition #fightback #oilandgas2035 #bigoildidthis #bigoilburnedthis #climatehomicide
Calls for nationwide end to native logging
Landline | ABC News
#NativeForest #logging #StopLogging #NewryStateForest #NSWLogging #SaveTuckersNob #biodiversity #climate #extinction #fightback #protests
#nativeforest #logging #stoplogging #newrystateforest #nswlogging #savetuckersnob #biodiversity #climate #extinction #fightback #protests
Texas. Florida. New Brunswick?
"If a parent doesn't want their child to be referred to as 'they,' [and] would prefer for them to be referred to as 'she' or 'he,' that's a parent's right"
#lgbtq #trans #nonbinary students, teachers. Citizens under attack by NB provincial government.
#lgbtq #trans #nonbinary #resist #fightback #protest #dontletthebastardsgrindyoudown
When they came and took the forest away... there was a civil uprising.
Cherán. 5 years of self-government in an indigenous community in Mexico
"Ordinary people decided to confront the criminal organizations that came down from the hill with several vans loaded with wood. That was the beginning. Its experience has inspired indigenous communities throughout Mexico, who seek respect for their rights, territory, institutions and culture."
Images: Confronting the cartel: Ritual Inhabitual depict a community’s fightback against corruption in Mexico
Can satellite imagery fight illegal logging in Mexico?
Between 2006 and 2012, researchers estimate that about 70 percent of Cheran’s forests were ravaged by organised criminals as locals staged protests to denounce police inaction.
#Forests #biodiversity #trees #water #Cherán #IndigenousPeoples #uprising
#Logging #violence #trucks #cartels #corruption #IndigenousSelfRule #SelfDetermination #DecisionMaking #SocialMedia #protests #democracy #activism #resistance #PoliticalParticipation #fightback
#NewryStateForest #NSWLogging #Gumbaynggirr
#forests #biodiversity #trees #water #cheran #indigenouspeoples #uprising #logging #violence #trucks #cartels #corruption #indigenousselfrule #selfdetermination #decisionmaking #socialmedia #protests #democracy #activism #resistance #politicalparticipation #fightback #newrystateforest #nswlogging #gumbaynggirr
the global south is starving because its people are dumb and incompetent and lazy.
oooh wait
1.2% of adults have 47.8% of the world’s wealth while 53.2% have just 1.1%
#classwar #fightback #EatTheRich
Today is the 6th anniversary of August 12, 2017, the day many brave people gathered at a park in #Charlottesville to confront the “Unite the Right” rally. The night before, Donald Trump’s “very fine people” staged a tiki torch march and attacked students who linked arms around Jefferson’s statue on the UVA Grounds. Please take a moment to remember the heroes who died, suffered life-changing injuries, and still have PTSD from that weekend. #A12 #FightBack #NoWhiteSupremacy #HeatherHeyer
#charlottesville #a12 #fightback #nowhitesupremacy #heatherheyer
Hey! This cheered me up! I didn't know this happened
15 April 2023 #USAToday
#JewsAgainstDeSantis #fightback #FL #Florida #TinyD #USAShitShow
#usatoday #jewsagainstdesantis #fightback #fl #florida #tinyd #USAShitShow
Just thinking, maybe the environment needs a flag, something that everyone fighting for the planet can put in their house, to show corrupt politicians, the meat industry and big oil that we really care for the environment. Green flag? Thoughts?
#environmentalism #veganfortheplanet #fightback #oilindustry #meatindustry #actnowonclimate
#actnowonclimate #meatindustry #oilindustry #fightback #veganfortheplanet #environmentalism
Despite the current situation of our environment, they insist on their conquest of wealth.
Please boost for awareness
Supreme Court OKs completion of Mountain Valley gas pipeline : NPR
#fightback #stupidhumans #corporategreed #environment
Despite the current situation of our environment, they insist on their conquest of wealth.
Please boost for awareness
Supreme Court OKs completion of Mountain Valley gas pipeline : NPR
#fightback #stupidhumans #corporategreed #environment
trying to float through life
And don't forget : police is here to serve and protect...old rich white males.
#PoliceKill #PoliceAreTerrorOrganizations #FightBack #Riposte
#policekill #policeareterrororganizations #fightback #riposte
Na das hätten die wohl gerne.
Ich bin jeden Tag ein bißchen mehr auf KRAWALL gebürstet 🖕🖕🖕
#fucknazis #fightback #wirsindmehr