Following #ClimateChange for a few days, and seen lots about how screwed we are. So how about things to do? My list, in brief form and at best semi-informed...
- If it uses energy and you're not using it, turn it off.
- Replace it with something that uses less energy.
- Replace it with something that uses a greener kind of energy.
- Push political leaders, employers, friends, family, etc. to fight climate change.
- Support groups who fight climate change.
Other ideas?
#climatechange #fightclimatechange
🌍🔥🥶 The effects of climate change are everywhere, and the latest news is alarming! 😱
A new study shows that melting permafrost in Antarctica is emitting huge amounts of CO2, contributing to global warming. 🌡️😢
We need to act fast to prevent this from getting worse!
Check out this article to learn more and find out how you can help fight climate change! 💪🌿
#ClimateCrisis #Antarctica #MeltingPermafrost #CO2Emissions #ActNow #FightClimateChange
#climatecrisis #antarctica #meltingpermafrost #co2emissions #actnow #fightclimatechange
Don’t like the crazy weather? Help #FightClimateChange. #GoVegan
Don’t like the crazy weather? Help #FightClimateChange. #GoVegan (Edited to sub a better link.)
Gedicht für den Nikolaus ❤️
If you can’t think of what to buy someone for Christmas, or can’t think what you want yourself, would you consider having a native tree planted as a gift? #Sustainability #Rewilding #FightClimateChange 🌳
#sustainability #rewilding #fightclimatechange
Wieder eine Möglichkeit, fossile Ressourcen zu sparen!
#fightclimatechange #CO2 #energy