Bonus Photo of the Day 4 28th August 2023.
124485/G-BEDF "Memphis Belle", Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress, United States Army Air Force, taking off for a flying display at North Weald Fighter Meet, some time in the early 1990s.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #Boeing #B17 #FlyingFortress #USAAF #UnitedStatesArmyAirForce
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #boeing #b17 #flyingfortress #usaaf #unitedstatesarmyairforce #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 12th July 2023.
503/G-BRAM, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21PF, Hungarian Air Force, os static display at North Weald Fighter Meet, 11th May 1996.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #MikoyanGureyvich #MIG21 #Fishbed #HungarianAirForce
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #mikoyangureyvich #mig21 #fishbed #hungarianairforce #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 28th June 2023.
G-ELBC, Piper PA-34-200 Seneca, parked at North Weald during the annual Fighter Meet air show, 14th May 1994.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #Piper #PA31 #Seneca
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #piper #pa31 #seneca #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 2 19th June 2023.
G-PDSI, Cessna 172N Skyhawk II, on final approach to North Weald before the annual Fighter Meet airshow, 11th May 1996.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #Cessna #CE172 #Skyhawk
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #cessna #ce172 #skyhawk #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 4 5th June 2023.
N41098, Cessna Cessna 421B Golden Eagle, during it's take off roll at North Weald prior to the Fighter Meet airshow, 14th May 1994.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #Cessna #CE421 #GoldenEagle
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #cessna #ce421 #goldeneagle #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 3 25th May 2023.
G-EGUL, Christen Eagle II, on static display at North Weald Fighter Meet, 11th May 1996.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #Christen #Eagle
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #christen #eagle #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
On This Day 17th May 1992.
G-AIYR, De Haviland DH-89A Dominie/Dragon Rapide, taking off for a pleasure flight before the start of the Fighter Meet airshow at North Weald, 17th May 1992.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #airshow #FighterMeet #DeHaviland #DH89 #Dominie #DragonRapide
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #airshow #fightermeet #dehaviland #dh89 #dominie #dragonrapide #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 3 25th April 2023.
SE-DLL, IAI 1124 Westwind, Time Air Sweden, starting it's take off roll at North Weald, prior to the Fighter Meet airshow, 17th May 1992.
NorthWeald #EGSX #airshow #FighterMeet #IsraelAircraftIndustries #IAI1124 #Westwind #TimeAirSweden
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#egsx #airshow #fightermeet #israelaircraftindustries #iai1124 #westwind #timeairsweden #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 17th April 2023.
G-BJHB, Mooney M20J-201, on final approach to the active runway at North Weald, prior to Fighter Meet air show, 17th May 1992.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #Mooney #M20
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #mooney #m20 #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Bonus Photo of the Day 23rd February 2023: N3455, Douglas C-47B-35-DK, Star Airways, parked at North Weald during the annual Fighter Meet airshow, either 1993 or 1994.
#NorthWeald #EGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #Douglas #DC3 #C47 #StarAirways
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#northweald #egsx #fightermeet #airshow #douglas #dc3 #c47 #starairways #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
Photo of the Day 26th January 2023: 503/G-BRAM, Mikoyan-Gureyvich MiG-21PF “Fishbed”, ex-Hungarian Air Force (now in private hands), parked outside a hangar at North Weald Fighter Meet, 11th May 1996.
#NorthWeald #WGSX #FighterMeet #airshow #MikoyanGureyvich #MIG21 #Fishbed #HungarianAirForce #warbird
#northweald #wgsx #fightermeet #airshow #mikoyangureyvich #mig21 #fishbed #hungarianairforce #warbird
Bonus Photo of the Day 2 8th January 2023: G-TREE, Bell 206B JetRanger III, at North Weald Fighter Meet, 11th May 1996.
#NorthWeald #FighterMeet #airshow #EGSX #Bell206
#northweald #fightermeet #airshow #egsx #bell206
Bonus Photo of the Day 12th December 2022: 474008/N51RR, North American P-51D Mustang, USAAF, at North Weald Fighter Meet, possibly 15th May 1993.
#NorthWeald #FighterMeet #EGSX #AirShow #NorthAmerican #P51 USAAF #UnitedStateArmyAirForce
#northweald #fightermeet #egsx #airshow #northamerican #p51 #unitedstatearmyairforce