Brownian_motion · @Brownian_motion
65 followers · 654 posts · Server

There are times when I read toots (and headlines), and I think the world is such a that I may as well pull the blankets over my head and give up. Then I read toots how folks are and not giving up and I feel that I should stay involved in some way, even it it's "only" a . I guess that's how humanity has survived all these years.

#boost #fightingback #shitshow

Last updated 1 year ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
775 followers · 20489 posts · Server
Ida Tschichoflos · @IdalovesEarth
315 followers · 5680 posts · Server

Artikel: How a surfing sea otter revealed the dark side of human nature

#animals #fightingback #nature #exploitation #respect

Last updated 1 year ago

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
473 followers · 8312 posts · Server

We're being tested by the kings of the seas. They're pissed. And they're not going to take it any more.

And really, who could blame them?
Orcas have sunk 3 boats in Europe and appear to be teaching others to do the same.

#News #iamdb #fightingback #WildLife #Nature #sharks #orcas

Last updated 1 year ago

Anne Fausto Sterling · @faustosterling
969 followers · 3050 posts · Server
Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
549 followers · 887 posts · Server

What the @ThomHartmann 's of the world don't understand is that there are no saviors to fight back against because the elite ALL see democracy as a failure. , or , it doesn't matter.

The elite democrats are part of the performance, never taking the actions necessary when they have power. Rather, they fundraise from the "emergency" while achieving nothing of substance. Because they are elites. It's one big club, and it's called a club because they use that club to smash you over the head and keep you servient to their whims.

WE, the people, have to be prepared to create the substantive changes to protect OUR democracy. That will likely mean in the streets because there is no white hat cavalry riding to the rescue. WE have to form our own clubs, so we can hit back at elite power. Our clubs have to be bigger, because theirs have more power.

So, plan ahead. Prepare accordingly. If you're not an , you increase the risk of us all being dead . Join leftist clubs and make plans to dismantle .

#elite #fascism #republican #democrat #fightingback #armedleftist #leftists #elitepower

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist Lawyer · @LeftistLawyer
548 followers · 883 posts · Server

@carlbeijer @JefferyBezos One final note, please see my pinned post below.

You're making arguments to an attorney who is well versed in rooting out sophistry in all its forms -- and your response is specious.

It attempts to deflect attention from what you fully understand the problem is. In a word: .

So, please don't get your back up just because someone is making arguments that cast you in a less than appealing light.

I'm on your side -- not your enemy. But I'm also most definitely on the side of those who choose the in protest of in all its forms. And I

WE, on , are .

#solidarity #fediverse #capitalism #fightback #mastodon #collectively #fightingback

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Fausto Sterling · @faustosterling
855 followers · 1930 posts · Server
J. MacQuinn🍵🐉 · @psyfic
41 followers · 76 posts · Server
Anne Fausto Sterling · @faustosterling
817 followers · 1731 posts · Server

Please watch this video and read Erin's full account of this hearing. and and !
"The meeting finished with two anti-drag bills that would define transgender people or “people dressed opposite of their assigned sex at birth” as doing drag. The bills then would ban drag anywhere that is not a strip club."

#transpeople #parentsoftrans #allies #fightingback

Last updated 2 years ago

Haiku News · @haikubot
133 followers · 713 posts · Server
Tim Gent · @tgent_fens
147 followers · 489 posts · Server

Absolute scenes in the garden this morning as a dunnock has decided it's bored feeding on the ground and will now use the bird table. Robin, being the garden bully, decides to have a go.
Normally shy dunnock goes for it.
Later: Robin waits on garden chair for dunnock to finish, before taking second turn.

#fightingback #PassingTimeWithLongCovid #gardenbirds #birdwatching #dunnock

Last updated 2 years ago

Hey everyone I'm new here I'm a Mississippi Boy and a black anarchist,I been a anarchist since day one I been fighting my lifetime fighting for change it never easy but he'll it time for a new journey,so let get started.

Oh yes my name is Morse like the Morse Code,I hope everyone understands that.

#Anarchist #change #fightingback #myfirstTweet #myfirsttoot #blackanarchism

Last updated 2 years ago

Frens What an Honor Dutch FVD just tweeted out my new video

Fighting back is the new normal
Song by Van Morrison - new album


#inthistogether #fightingback

Last updated 2 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
356 followers · 11195 posts · Server

Episode 5: :
The Next Threat

Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent are the number one terror threat in the U.S. but what does it take to move up in the ranks in the ’ world? We meet an extremist whose resume includes multiple neo-Nazi groups. As he’s espousing more violence, a young writer spends her life on

#fightingback #verified #extremists #REMVE

Last updated 3 years ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
357 followers · 11195 posts · Server