Hello everyone,I decided to come back on mastodon cause I believe I need to start where I came to,as a concerned citizen,I seen so much that come to find and knowing it too much to bear this kind of stuff that the world is going,plus as a local activist I seen what this world is facing,I believe it time to start getting ready for what we need to fight for,I decided since I'm a local activist I got to start fighting for local problems,the people in this city are fed up with all the questions,the corruption,the helplessness, homelessness,and so many issue like Bright,crime,police corruption,and violence,we had enough of all this,it time to start getting ready to fight and step up to do something about this issue,that why I'm using the internet to post,video,or photo everything that this city is dealing with,and take matter in to my own has,it time to start something right,and it time to do it now.

#myfirsttoot #myfirstTweet #takingbackcontrol #fightingformyneigborhood #Anarchist

Last updated 2 years ago