Women and children will carry dead fetuses to term at great cost to their physical and mental health, because of Republicans, like Lindsey Graham.
#ThisIsTheGOP #AbortionIsHealthcare #FightLikeAGirl #NoBackAlleyAbortions
#thisisthegop #abortionishealthcare #fightlikeagirl #nobackalleyabortions
6 month follow up with Hematology.
#TakayashusArteritis #chronicillness #irondeficiency #FightLikeAGirl
#fightlikeagirl #irondeficiency #chronicillness #takayashusarteritis
Last night, likely while you were sleeping, Ron DeSantis signed an almost total abortion, ban in Florida.
Not only does it include jail time, but it forces women and children to birth their rapists baby.
#HandsOffOurHealthcare #FightLikeAGirl #NoBackAlleyAbortions 

#handsoffourhealthcare #fightlikeagirl #nobackalleyabortions
This is the scene at the Florida Capitol after the GOP passed a SIX WEEK ABORTION BAN.
The very people you oppressed, will vote you out.
Video credit: @KaivanShroff
#TheGOPHATESWOMEN #EXTREMISTGOP #LowBackAlleyAbortions #FightLikeAGirl
#thegophateswomen #extremistgop #lowbackalleyabortions #fightlikeagirl
Women in Berlin can now swim topless in public swimming pools just as men.
End term abortion is not a thing.
One doesn't carry a pregnancy and decide to terminate it randomly just prior to giving birth.
It just doesn't happen.
These are very serious and devastating medical catastrophes.
Politicians have no business practicing medicine or morality.
#HandsOffOurHealthcare #FightLikeAGirl. 
#handsoffourhealthcare #fightlikeagirl
History was made with an elite all female aviation team conducting the flyover at the Super Bowl.
You can't claim to be pro life if you allow women to die in its pursuit.
#HandsOffOurHealthcare #DefendRoe #NoBackAlleyAbortions #FightLikeAGirl
#handsoffourhealthcare #defendroe #nobackalleyabortions #fightlikeagirl
The end of Roe v. Wade has ushered in a Republican party that actively advocates for state sponsored child abuse.
It's surreal.
Republicans seeking to mandate pregnancy of even CHILDREN and victims of sexual assault.
Women deserve to control their own futures.
#DefendAbortionAccess #FightLikeAGirl #SeparationOfChurchAndState
#defendabortionaccess #fightlikeagirl #separationofchurchandstate
Healthcare decisions should be made between patients and doctors…
#reproductivefreedom #nobackalleyabortions #fightlikeagirl
Have you heard what's going on in Missouri?
Women have lost the right to bare their arms...
Have you heard what's going on in Missouri?
Women have lost the right to bare their arms...
If this resonates with you, let's be friends.
#FightLikeAGirl #NoBackAlleyAbortions #AbortionIsHealthcare
#fightlikeagirl #nobackalleyabortions #abortionishealthcare
Weil ich in letzter Zeit viele Leute getroffen habe die den anscheinenden #Nischenfilme nicht kennen:
#Suffragette – Taten statt Worte
Der Film spielt zwischen 1912-1913 und greift viele Aktionen und Protagonist*innen auf, die es in der Zeit wirklich gab. Alles wir durch die fiktive Persönlichkeit Maud Watts (Carey Mulligan) zu einer spannenden Story verbunden.
Ein Film den man sich immer wieder ansehen kann/muss
5/5 Frauenwahlstimmen
#Nischenfilme #suffragette #fightlikeagirl
Serie Ode aan de activist nr. 4 (Schilderij van Ka)
#fightlikeagirl #EenSlimmeMeidKiestVoorVrouwenstrijd
#Samenvoor14 #voor14 #WijStaanOp #DagVanDeArbeid #1mei (5/10)
#1mei #dagvandearbeid #WijStaanOp #voor14 #samenvoor14 #EenSlimmeMeidKiestVoorVrouwenstrijd #fightlikeagirl
Não custa lembrar que a Kaol é a autora daquela série de estampas maravilhosas Fight Like a Girl que você já viu circulando web afora e você acha na @TodaFrida@twitter.com #fightlikeagirl #8M https://twitter.com/kaol_/status/971756150327775233
RT @kaol_@twitter.com #DiadaMulher #WomensDay
#fightlikeagirl #8m #diadamulher #womensday