Just a little under 2 months from now, I will be proceeding on a 27km (under 17 miles) walk from just outside Kwinana (S32.23419, E115.84290), all the way on up to Canning Bridge (S32.01063, E115.85504), this coming King's Birthday (WA) in order to raise funds for ongoing MND/ALS research.
Help me on my odyssey, so that we can move unceasingly to that closer to that singular day when a cure is eventually discovered, by donating even whatever little you can, or even planning on your own great 27km journey (or whatever else springs to mind, or even both!). If you can, please support me by making a donation to my fundraising page. Every dollar counts and all funds raised go to FightMND who are determined to fund vital MND research and help find a cure for MND, so that noone need suffer or die from this most horrid disease.
For further details, head on over to: https://hub.fightmnd.org.au/27-challenge-2022/the-dogbomb-walkers #MND #ALS #FightMND #27Challenge #27on27
#mnd #als #fightmnd #27challenge #27on27
This from Humans of Melbourne FB is spot on! “How the hell has he (Neale Daniher) not been Australian of the Year yet? No one give me any bs excuse about not being able to perform the duties of the role. Being given this honour should not come with a prerequisite of the duties you need to fulfil in the future. It should be solely decided on the duty you have already performed”
Let’s get it done!!
#australianoftheyear #fightMND
#australianoftheyear #fightmnd
Just a little under 3 months from now, until I undertake a 27km (under 17 miles) walk from just outside Kwinana (S32.23419, E115.84290), all the way on up to Canning bridge (S32.01063, E115.85504), this coming King's Birthday (that's Septmber 25 to all you eastern staters ;). This one long stoat for a long stoat, is all in order to raise funds for ongoing MND research.
Help me on my odyssey, so that we can move unceasingly to that closer to that singular day when a cure is eventually discovered, by donating even whatever little you can, or planning about your own great 27km journey (or whatever springs to mind (or even both!), so that noone need suffer or die from this most horrid illness.
For further details, head on over to: https://hub.fightmnd.org.au/27-challenge-2022/the-dogbomb-walkers #MND #ALS #FightMND #27Challenge #27on27
#mnd #als #fightmnd #27challenge #27on27
😔 Announced by The Guardian today that Roberta Flack has ALS, which “has made it impossible to sing and not easy to speak”.
#ALS is also known as MND (Motor Neurone Disease). An horrifically cruel disease, for which there is no cure.
Australians have a 1 in 300 chance of developing MND.
Please join #FightMND in funding research to battle this beast of a disease.