Looking forward to humiliating the NSP nazis in Düsseldorf tomorrow? Not enough to feel satisfied? Already in gear? Fascist metal band Mgła will be playing in #Essen at Turock the same evening. Look for antifa-essen online contacts to coordinate anything!
Update: The „Kampfkultur Nationalisten“ self-identified Nazis of NSP (see: „Nazistadt Magdeburg“) have cancelled their rally because they're among the most pathetic rejects of humanity 🤣😆🤣
comrades are still going to the demos! let's do a real demonstration of fighting disposition to keep nazi legs trembling! #fightNSP #düsseldorf #dus1012
#fightnsp #dusseldorf #DUS1012
Update: The „Kampfkultur Nationalisten“ self-identified Nazis of NSP (see: „Nazistadt Magdeburg“) have cancelled their rally because they're among the most pathetic rejects of humanity 🤣😆🤣
comrades are still going to the demos! let's do a real demonstration of fighting disposition to keep the nazis too scared to act! #fightNSP #düsseldorf #dus1012
#fightnsp #dusseldorf #DUS1012
Update: The „Kampfkultur Nationalisten“ self-identified Nazis of NSP (see: „Nazistadt Magdeburg“) have cancelled their rally because they're pathetic failures at being human 🤣😆🤣
comrades are still going to the demos! let's do a real demonstration of fighting disposition to keep the nazis too scared to act! #fightNSP #düsseldorf #dus1012
#fightnsp #dusseldorf #DUS1012
some frankly kickass antifa aggressive propaganda video from I Furiosi, wow. More of this kind of thing please.
Anyway the Neue Starke are rallying in Düsseldorf on Dec 10 so if you like making some nazi cowards run away that's our chance! NSP dweebs were in the Pegida parade Duisburg last year and we outnumbered them so much it was almost sad, let's do it again :ninaZapatista: #alerta #düsseldorf #dus1012 #fightNSP
#alerta #dusseldorf #DUS1012 #fightnsp
RT @duesseldorfquer@twitter.com
Am 10.12. will die Neue Stärke Partei durch #Düsseldorf ziehen. Das werden wir nicht zulassen, wie @srddorf@twitter.com und @i_furiosi@twitter.com es ankündigen.
#fightnsp #dssq #antifanrw #antifa #nonazisdus #dus1012
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/duesseldorfquer/status/1583894499071168514
#düsseldorf #fightnsp #dssq #antifanrw #antifa #nonazisdus #DUS1012