It makes complete sense that, on a self-selected timeline, you might never see racist posts or responses. But that doesn't mean they don't happen with alarming frequency.
@ihrf - Today we celebrate International Day of People of African Descent, honoring the remarkable contributions of the African diaspora around the world. We stand against all forms of discrimination and racism that affect millions of Afro-descendants. We urge governments and societies to champion human rights, justice, and equality for people of African descent, and to acknowledge their invaluable role in constructing a better and more prosperous world for all. #FightRacism #AfricanDescentDay
#fightracism #africandescentday
We can all help #FightRacism.
📖 EDUCATE yourself on the many ways racism hurts societies.
💭 REFLECT on concrete solutions to eradicate racism.
🌱 CULTIVATE values of tolerance throughout your communities.
Find out more:
RT António Guterres
Racism plagues our world.
It is abhorrent.
It is ugly.
We must #FightRacism & condemn it without reservation, hesitation or qualification.
Rassismus hat viele Gesichter. Kannst du das Captcha lösen? :antifa:
Schau dir hier die ganze Auswahl an:
Gegen Spende verschicken wir die Sticker zu Dir! Auf Nachfrage auch gratis, schreib doch über element/matrix oder Mail. Kontaktinfos sind in der Profilbeschreibung.
Racism has many faces. Can you solve the captcha? :antifa:
Check out the whole selection here:
For a donation we will send the stickers to you! On request also for free, just write via element/matrix or mail. Contact infos are in the profile description.
#NeedForStickers #Sticker #Stickers #NoAfD #NoCSU #IdentitäreBewegung #NoNazis #Antifa #FightRacism #Captcha #Seehofer #Höcke #Gauland #Sellner
#needforstickers #sticker #stickers #noafd #NoCSU #identitarebewegung #nonazis #antifa #fightracism #captcha #seehofer #hocke #gauland #sellner
RT UN Vienna
Racism, xenophobia & intolerance harm everyone. But each of us can exercise our rights & help #FightRacism:
🏘️ Join community organizations
✍🏽Sign petitions
🪧 Join peaceful protests
Find more ideas on how to #FightRacism:
RT UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳: Just do it. #FightRacism
#education #sciences #Culture #fightracism
@tagesschau eieiei...und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier. Aber gut und wichtig, dass Teile der Dorfbewohner zusammentun und denen entgegentreten und nicht einfach wegschauen. Solidarische Grüße an diese Dorfbewohner. #fightracism
@UNESCO RT by @badiucao: Remember Anne Frank. Remember a voice of light amid the darkness. This is why we must always fight antisemitism and all forms of racism. This is why we must #StandUp4HumanRights each & every day. 📒 #FightRacism #EndAntiSemitism
#standup4humanrights #fightracism #endantisemitism
#fightracism nie wieder Faschismus
#AfDgehoertnichtzuDeutschland #AfDVerbotSofort
#fightracism #afdgehoertnichtzudeutschland #AfDVerbotSofort #nazisraus
RT @volker_turk: Racism is a #humanrights violation, not just a social issue.
To #FightRacism in the present, we must address legacies of the past.
Reparatory justice is key for governments seeking to fulfil their human rights obligations towards people of #AfricanDescent.
#humanrights #fightracism #AfricanDescent
RT @antonioguterres: Not being racist is not enough, we must be anti-racist.
Let’s work together to #FightRacism and racial discrimination, and uphold the dignity & rights of all people, everywhere.
Endlich. Der Rassist Palmer ist bei den Grünen ausgetreten.
Und jetzt bitte noch als OB zurück treten oder von den Bürgern aus dem Rathaus geworfen werden.
#fckplmr #palmer #fightracism #grune
RT @antonioguterres: Not being racist is not enough, we must be anti-racist.
Let’s work together to #FightRacism and racial discrimination, and uphold the dignity & rights of all people, everywhere.
45 years ago today
Paul Simonon from The Clash playing in front of a crowd at Rock Against Racism's 'Carnival Against the Nazis' concert, April 30, 1978.
Photo by Syd Shelton
#punkrock #paulsimonon #theclash #fightracism #fucknazis #history #punkrockhistory #otd
#PunkRock #paulsimonon #theclash #fightracism #fucknazis #history #punkrockhistory #otd
Drink water.
Love hard.
Fight racism.
Rocking my new shirt from Mahogany Mommies and figuring I’ll take the advice.
#fightracism #LoveHard #drinkwater #selfie
Drink water.
Love hard.
Fight racism.
Rocking my new shirt from Mahogany Mommies and figuring I’ll take the advice.
#fightracism #LoveHard #drinkwater #selfie
RT @UN: Each of us can take action to #FightRacism.
Call out discrimination and hate speech.
Start conversations.
Raise awareness.
Change the narratives that feed hate.
More ideas: