Some pretty colored products arrived today from Seimitsu and K-Dit. Joystick bullet lever handles and bat tops.
#pincade #videogames #fightstick #arcade
This new #fightstick trend of using PCBs and keyboard switches is interesting. I'd really like to try a #SnackBoxMicro or #FlatBox. They are so small!
#fightstick #snackboxmicro #flatbox
I promised more pics of my #arcadestick! Built from scratch from acrylic plates, always in progress, and surprisingly reliable, the SaltFighter V5a is the closest i get to feeling like a shonen protagonist.
I built it from scratch in 2014 and have been iterating on it since, swapping out parts Ship of Theseus style.
With each new game i learn i add artwork of my main to a button. It's a symbol of where I've been. Who I've been.
I'm NaClKnight. Run the set.
#arcadestick #fightinggames #fgc #fightstick
The SANWA JLX, the successor to the mighty SANWA JLF arcade series levers are being released on August the 3rd.
Greater durability, smoother action and response are claims being made by the company.
#fightstick #arcade #joystick #videogames
@benjaminrivers Are you looking for a classic #fightstick #ArcadeStick design with an actual stick, or a stickless #hitbox, all buttons design?
What is your ideal budget?
Will you be playing on anything other than PS5?
Do you intend to travel with this stick, whether that's to friend's houses or tourney venues? Or will it live and stay at your home?
Do you want something you can customize later? Or a one time solution? Many arcade sticks are designed to allow swappable buttons and joystick
#fightstick #arcadestick #hitbox
Here's my main #fightstick! I used #Midjourney to generate the art and found a matching keychain off of #Etsy.
#SnackboxMicro 2023 art case by JunkFoodArcades!
#fightstick #midjourney #etsy #snackboxmicro
(Most of) These are going on my wife's #ArcadeStick tonight
#FGC #StreetFighter6 #FightStick #fightingGames
#arcadestick #fgc #streetfighter6 #fightstick #fightinggames
Got a special one for Fightstick Friday. I came across this stick earlier in the week and popped off a bit because I've legit thought this stick was lost for YEARS only for it to turn up. Love the form factor of the original MadCatz TE sticks and the SoulCalibur edition is possibly my fav one. The clear chassis, the dual color sides, and the dope artwork plus the special "blade" styled bezel? It’s too sick. Gonna mod this up and bring to my local.
#fightstickfriday #fightstick #fgc #soulcalibur
#fightstickfriday #fightstick #fgc #soulcalibur
#fightstick Junk Food Arcades Snack Box Micro with wine red inserts by yours truly.
#fightstick Left-handed 18" enclosure from All Fight Sticks. Wireless Brook board. It's...very heavy.
My PS3 Fighting Stick is working great on my Series X after picking up a Brook Wingman.
Tried out some Guilty Gear Strive on gamepass after not playing this series for years and years and so far I've mainly being trying out Ramlethal. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing mostly and that's not gonna change I guess.
#fightstick #guiltygearstrive
I wanted to see if I could use my ps3 fightstick with the Tic-80 today... so far:
btn(0) = up
btn(4) = square
btn(5) = X
btn(6) = O
btn(7) = triangle
Could not find the ones for any of the other buttons. Except that R2 is the same as ESC. Maybe I still need to set something up. I saw a gamepad mentioned in the RAM docs, but haven't looked into it yet.
Nacon Daija PS5 im Test: Der beste Arcade Stick auf dem Markt! – Nischenprodukt #RevealYourSkills #GameController #Testberichte #ArcadeStick #technologie #Testbericht #Controller #FightStick #NaconDaija #Technology #hardware #technik #Gaming #gaming #Review #games #nacon #tech #Test
#revealyourskills #gamecontroller #Testberichte #ArcadeStick #technologie #testbericht #controller #fightstick #nacondaija #technology #hardware #technik #gaming #review #games #nacon #tech #test
#fightstick is going to work on this platform, even if I have to do it myself. Junkfood Arcades SnackBox V2 Mini with a Brook Zero Pi. Sanwa parts.
Huh, just realized that I can test that adapter far more thoroughly than I thought: forgot I had already made an input board for a previous project. Should be able to hook the adapter and this board up to a microcontroller and see what happens. Since the adapter only has 17 outputs, this is just a smidge overkill... #gaming #electronics #fightstick
#fightstick #electronics #gaming
I'll post newer pictures eventually, but this beauty has been my one and only #arcadestick or #fightstick or whatever you want to call it since i finished building it in 2015. Made by hand, it's been there for every #FGC tournament and commentary gig, from #streetfighter #deadoralive to #blazblue and more
I keep #modding it, keep improving it, and keep playing.
#arcadestick #fightstick #fgc #streetfighter #deadoralive #blazblue #modding
This customized Qanba Drone is my on the go #Fightstick. It has OBSF-30 silent buttons and a JLF with removable lever. The lever even fits into the cable compartment. With the lever detached this leightweighted stick can easily be carried in a small backpack.
This customized Qanba Drone is my on the go #Fightstick. It has OBSF-30 silent buttons and a JLF with removable lever. The lever even fits into the cable compartment. With the lever detached this leightweighted stick can easily be carried in a small backpack.
My twins! #MiSTerFPGA #SEGA #JAMMA #arcade #fightstick
#misterfpga #sega #jamma #arcade #fightstick