Went to visit the Joel Magee #disneyland Collection after hearing about it on #twitter and it was so cool!! I wish I could’ve stayed longer, but I bought their catalog to look back on and share.
I can officially check “ met #figment ” off my bucket list 🐉
Where is the time going this week!? We have made it to #FridayEve 🎉🍿 Not complaining one bit. Haha
Hope everyone is doing well😎Also hope those who have a #ROGALLY are enjoying it🎮
Still battling through #DiabloIV on #Xbox and started playing a new game on #NintendoSwitch called #Figment. Not an action packed game but a puzzle game with basic sword fights. Music is superb though!
#fridayeve #rogally #diabloiv #xbox #nintendoswitch #figment
RT @ditzy_disco
Figment and Dreamfinder on their way to use the power of 🌈Imagination🎉
#disney #epcot #dreamfinder #figment
#disney #EPCOT #dreamfinder #figment
My review for #Figment2 is out! It's such a beautiful game, please please play it!
#figment2 #gaming #figment #figmentgame
A 3D print I did a couple years ago of one of my favorites.
This was a free print on one of the big websites. I just forget which one at the moment.
I need to paint this thing.
#figment print #3dprinting #wdw #disney #EPCOT
#figment #3dprinting #wdw #disney #EPCOT
I have finished #figment 2 and well, there have been no more crashes BUT the game spawned me at an opposite site of spotlight deflector so I had to clean the checkpoints and start over which was kind of funny and unexpected :D Game is still absolutely brilliant and I am calling it a GOTY today, in March!!
Après un premier succès, #Figment revient avec un nouvel opus !
Nous y suivons à nouveau les aventures de Dusty, courageux petit personnage qui chasse les pensées sombres de son humain.
Un test signé @BeneCoudiere : https://www.p-nintendo.com/tests/tests-complets/test-de-figment-2-creed-valley-rever-l-exploration-259992
#figment #figment2 #nintendoswitch #switch #xp
Figment was the best game I have ever played. #Figment 2 on the other hand IS the best game I've ever played. Funny, whimsical, beautiful and interesting - discarded thoughts segment is GOATed and the "lets terraform another planet" made me piss my pants - the same goes for the chorus song. If you follow me on here and have never played Figment or Figment 2 please do yourself a favor and buy this game
Avec un succès certains de plus d'un million d'unité vendues pour le premier épisode, #Figment fait son grand retour aujourd'hui avec #Figment2 : Creed Valley !
On vous invite à découvrir cette pépite indépendante dispo sur #NintendoSwitch : https://www.p-nintendo.com/news/figment-fait-son-retour-aujourd-hui-259967
#figment #figment2 #nintendoswitch #switch #xp
Mar 8, 2023 - Day 66 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 73
Game: Figment
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Sep 22, 2017
Library Date: Dec 4, 2018
Unplayed: 1555 days (4y3m4d)
Playtime: 18m
Figment is a isometric action-adventure-puzzle game, that opens up with a voiceover indicating a car accident.
The voiceover does not prepare you for what you will encounter; a whimsical environment with a grumpy character named Dusty, who is being harassed by a chipper & chirpy bird named Piper.
It only gets weirder from there.
You are in... somebody's... brain (I have no idea who), and you control Dusty who is unhappy about having to track his way across this surreal landscape to retrieve his scrapbook.
The soundtrack is comes out of nowhere and thumps you with wailing guitars, and somehow it all comes together in a way that made me want to keep playing.
Figment is interesting, and thus:
4: Good
(It's also free on GOG and Steam until the 9th of March, links to follow!)
#Figment #Isometric #Adventure #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#figment #isometric #adventure #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
Both #Figment and #BlackDesert are free on #Steam right now until March 9th. #VideoGames #FreeGame
#figment #blackdesert #steam #videogames #freegame
Figment disponible de manera gratuita en Steam hasta el 9 de marzo
#IndieGames #Noticias #BedtimeDigitalGames #Figment #Figment2:CreedValley #ICOPartners #Steam
#indiegames #noticias #bedtimedigitalgames #figment #figment2 #icopartners #steam
Witha a rating of 75%, metacritic describes #Figment as "Figment is a whimsical-looking adventure game that is also a full-fledged musical."
It is currently #FREE on #Steam (from £14.99) if you want to check it out.
Follow me on Mastodon so you don't miss out on game bargains and more free gems like this.
We were watching an old home video of my son’s first #wdw trip in 1996, and we shot a ride-through of the original “Journey into Imagination.” My son, now 31 and an artist, came in and said we chronicled the moment that his life changed. #JourneyintoImagination #figment
#wdw #journeyintoimagination #figment