#Publikationsmanagement in der #OnePersonLibrary
#IGB-Forschende sind an einer Nature-Publikation zur Artenvielfalt in europäischen Flüssen beteiligt.
Die Aufnahme des #OpenAccess-Artikels in unsere #Hausbibliographie mit dem #Bibliotheksmanagementsystem #Alephino bedarf aufgrund hoher Autor*innenanzahl einiger Improvisation, aber nichts ist unmöglich.
Interessant auch das #peerreview file sowie die Daten- und Codeverfügbarkeit auf #figshare und #github.
#Publikationsmanagement #onepersonlibrary #igb #openaccess #hausbibliographie #Bibliotheksmanagementsystem #Alephino #peerreview #figshare #github
Software like, #Figshare, is part of “a general trend of deskilling library staff, leaving them only with ‘softer’ skills. … [B]y making data management ‘cheap’ in terms of funding and staff required ... [these] platforms place [repository management] at the bottom of budget priorities. Making the scarcity of resources more manageable transforms a situation of precarity into a normal state of functioning.” #scholcomm #repositories
#figshare #scholcomm #repositories
I'm on team #DSpace so maybe I'm a little biased, but I thought this was an excellent article. Gives plenty of space for #Figshare users to express their love of the platform, but also contextualizes this love within a larger shift that deskills and devalues #libraries and #librarians
#dspace #figshare #libraries #librarians
@polka I don't think this will turn out as well with #protocols.io, but #figshare was bought and is part of Digital Science which used to be part of Nature & is now majority held by the same holding company as SN.
I have a preference for some of figshare's non-profit & FLOSS competitors (Zenodo, Dataverse), but I think it's fair to say they've kept doing what they were doing prior to acquisition, are doing it well, and overall benefit open science (they make $ by selling repos to institutions).
@juandesant Would something like #figshare or #OSF suit your needs?
You'd get a #DOI then as well for assured longevity and easy sharing
Next up is the in-depth look at the #figshare API, with notes for repository users and developers
Oh, great -- I just found that #figshare has broken a potentially huge number of #DOI links (they've broken an internally re-redirect, so it's fixable, but still). I'm not quite sure under what condition, but it appears a fair number of DOIs ending in .v1 for projects with only a single version are affected.
Try e.g. the DOI under "Cite" here: https://figshare.com/articles/journal_contribution/Leadership_in_Times_of_Populism_Selected_Examples_of_Italian_Political_Leaders/7533152
Phages... So many #phage and they are all #prophage integrated into a #bacteria #genome
A few million prophages from > million bacterial genomes
Are prophages good or bad for bacteria? The data shows they provide heaps of benefits
The paper is in #biorxiv and the data is on #figshare
#phage #prophage #bacteria #genome #biorxiv #figshare
The @tudelft #data #repository is moving from #Figshare to a homegown #OpenSource platform called #Djehuty.
Without open code, TUDelft couldn't improve the software. "Furthermore, we came to realise that only by facilitating community-driven development, we can work towards sustainable infrastructures, which are agile and able to quickly respond to changing community needs."
h/t @martateperek
#netherlands #openinfrastructure #djehuty #opensource #figshare #repository #data
#AfLIA partners with #Figshare to promote open #data awareness and participation in Africa
👉 A new partnership has been formed between AfLIA and Figshare, part of Digital Science, to promote #opendata awareness and participation in #Africa.
#aflia #figshare #data #opendata #africa #libraries #library #information #research
Yesterday, I gave a lecture about #SMLM as part of Bryan Millis's #Microscopy Education Program "Widening the Lens"🔬 sponsored by #cziscience #imagingthefuture - You can find my presentation on #figshare - Feel free to reach out in case of questions - Enjoy 😀👉 https://figshare.com/articles/presentation/Single-Molecule_Localization_Microscopy_Theoretical_Basis_and_Practical_Guide/19902511
#superresolution #nanoscopy #womeninscience #imageanalysis #imaging
#smlm #microscopy #cziscience #imagingthefuture #figshare #SuperResolution #Nanoscopy #womeninscience #ImageAnalysis #imaging
I am happy to share some good news about my #figshare profile.
Today which is Digital Science’s 12th 🎈Birthday 🎂, my figshare profile views reach to 500,096.
Thank you @DigitalScience@twitter.com for developing tools like @figshare@twitter.com .
Thank you all.
@agspiele Sure, this is a cool move. I like that it is a package and has all these formats. – But I'm not convinced that this is a best practice to follow. E.g., the selected #platform is not a repository with any promise for long-term #availability. #Access depends on an account, i.e. on sharing user data with the platform. – IMHO, a more progressive way would have been to negotiate the #rights (the key hurdle, I suspect), make everything CC BY, and place it on #Figshare or #Zenodo.
#platform #availability #access #rights #figshare #zenodo